Brazilian Alana Tapigliani realizes that her homeland is known for producing some of the most beautiful and captivating models in the world. Although she is now listed among these models, it was never a venture she planned on pursuing. That being said, this has allowed her to live her professional life as an adventure rather than as an end goal. Modeling is definitely part of the entertainment world and as such it allows those involved in this vocation to mold their career based on their interest and opportunities. Tapigliani is continually doing something different and unexpected. It’s an exciting lifestyle that is not void of challenges and difficulties. This Brazilian model feels that she gets the chance to experience the world and interact with many talented artists while representing the work of designers and brands that she appreciates. There’s no telling what new opportunities the future will bring for Alana as her visibility and notoriety continue to elevate. She confirms that she celebrates the uncertain course that lies in front of her. Not knowing how everything will occur on a daily basis is one of the facets of a modern career in modeling that she embraces most fully.

While Tapigliani concedes that she has been fortunate that so many recognized brands have enlisted her to represent their creations, she notes that the work takes fortitude and commitment. Valisere is long established lingerie brand in Brazil, perhaps the most famous of all. When Alana shot for Valisere in Sao Paulo, it was her first job in lingerie. She understood that this iconic brand would bring an entirely new facet to her career. The response by both the public and Valisere was resounding. Being photographed in sexy undergarments was not something she was intimidated by…it just wasn’t something she planned on. She tells, “It was a completely new experience for me. Of course I was excited about doing it, as well as a little intimidated. Working with a fantastic photographer like Henrique Cesar was a very comfortable experience. Like most things in life, the idea was more intimidating than the actual situation. It makes me feel good to look back on this and think that overcoming my hesitation has allowed be to branch into new work and feel even more confident.”

Looking at Alana’s career, one sees a series of these types of occurrences. Her very beginnings in the televised modeling-competition/reality TV show Menina Fantastica came about when one of her brothers insisted that she show up for the audition. She openly admits that it’s something she never would have done on her own. Hosted by Brazil’s own legendary model Izabel Goulart and famed Brazilian actress Fernanda Lima Izabel, Menina Fantastica was filmed over three weeks as contestants took part in photo shoots in a variety of scenarios. Seventeen-year-old Alana had no experience preparing her for how to handle herself and yet still placed second overall. It was the springboard that led to numerous offers. The fact that she had not even considered modeling prior to this TV contest meant that Alana learned while having the advantage of molding her own style. It may not have been easy to start a career this way but it allowed for a uniqueness that has served her and the brands she works with exceptionally well.

One of the most modern and unique avenues for a model to work is on live televised events which pair designers, models, and music artists. In Greece, Madwalk is an institution which has almost a decade of production and is seen in many parts of the world. While fashion shows have allowed models like Tapigliani to be seen on the catwalk in living rooms rather than exhibition halls. There’s an exciting mystique and vibe to the music, the creative designs, and the graceful models that appeals to huge numbers of viewers. Alana participated in Madwalk 2012 for the Deux Hommes brand (of Konstantinos Mélis). She appeared alongside acclaimed Greek singer Giorgios Mazonakis as he sang “Parole.” The event is part fashion show, part music concert, and all entertainment. This production is a prime example of how different types of creative endeavors can intertwine and inspire each other. Alana comments, “It was all very exciting to be there and be a part of Madwalk. Music is inspiring and the designs of Konstantinos affect me the same way. These types of productions are becoming more popular and expose people to things they might not typically have an appreciation for. It helps us all to appreciate the abilities of others and what they have to offer.”

Tapigliani doesn’t know exactly what the future will bring her way as far as her profession is concerned but she does note that she has a strong interest in promoting a lifestyle of natural health and beauty. Her work with Athens based company Koress attests to this move. It’s a modern trend and a trait of her generation to move towards non-chemical based products, homeopathy, and a general global awareness of one’s actions and their ensuing repercussions. In almost every way, Alana is living her life and career the way that she feels is best rather than buying in to a predetermined course. It’s a career that has proven thus far to be incredibly successful and that’s a strong indicator for the future.

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