Tony T. Williams in South Korea

Tonight our guest is Tony T. Williams from Shreveport, Louisiana again. He just arrived back from Seoul, Korea. Tony is very interested and active in the community and loves politics and community service organizations.

How long were you in Korea and what is your impression?

I spent over 9 years I South Korea (2002-08 & 2014-18). I really enjoyed the culture. The country is rich with history and tradition and boast delicious unique foods. Technology surpasses that of the US and prices are very competitive. The Korean people appreciate life and it’s pleasures. This is seen by countless public parts and free museums.

Which are the 3 most interesting observations you have made there?

Of the 3 most interesting observations would be family structure, pride and political history. Family structure is very traditional and centered on men. Most families trace ancestry back hundreds of generations with little data on females. Pride is huge in Korea. It is not uncommon to hear “Dae Han Min Guk” chanted at sports events. People are proud of their country and excited to share it’s experiences with all. The political history is turbulent. All of their presidents ha e been forced out of office, killed, committed suicide, or jail with the exception of Lee Myung Bak, who’s in court now, and the sitting president.

Did you encounter any challenging aspects?

The major challenge for me sits across the Joint Security Area / Demilitarized Military Zone. North Korea has stressed the south and broke the Cease Fire Armistice thousands of times since its 1953 establishing. More recently was land mind attacked, missile attacked, and defections o we my last 3 years there. While former Presidents Lee and Park took strong stances, President Moon Jae In has taken an appeasing approach. This was to be expected being the son of North Koreans whom immigrated south just after the 1950-53 war.

What is your opinion on the improving relationship between North and South Korea?

I think that the current changes in the North / South Korean relations is suspect. While de-escalation is good and has always been the goal, North Korea has decided to “play ball" coincidentally as the Olympics draw near. They also have excluded China, Japan and the US, all of if whom would hold then to a real standard of disarmament. This and the fact that the South is financing a great deal of the Norths participation is disappointing and suspect.

Which are the most effective ways to serve the veteran community?

There are thousands of Korean War (1950-53) and Korean Defense (1954-present) veterans residing in South Korea. These heroes have served both the Korean and US people well and are reminders of the real threat that exist. Keeping these legacies by continuously honoring them and supporting revisit programs is how we honor them. We should continue to care for these veterans by building VA infrastructure. Many if these veterans sacrifice quality and timely care from American system to live in South Korea. They deserve better!

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