Randi Kennedy is opinionated; not in a preachy or condescending way, in fact…quite the opposite. As someone who made a decision that she wanted to change her habits, her life, and her health to become a happier and more engaged individual…she feels that anyone can do what she has done if they will only educate and apply themselves. As a means of doing this she has embraced one of the most ubiquitous aspects of modern life; social media. Using this vehicle to connect with and inform the public, Kennedy imparts her knowledge and her positivity to her followers. Social Media Influencer is one title that can be used to describe her. Ambassador for health supplements such as 1UP Nutrition is another. Fitness model for fashion companies like Live Fit apparel is yet another. The common thread in all of these is Randi’s stringent commitment to interacting with people and helping them to understand that there are many ways of living a better life. This Canadian is living proof. Imparting her journey and lifestyle to the world, she helps others who seek to do the same whether there are “all in” or looking to change the trajectory of their health in baby steps.

Kennedy is from the colder climate of Canada but is also a fierce fan of the California lifestyle with its emphasis on healthy diet and exercise. The love of these two vastly different regions has galvanized her opinion about health and exercise. There are no concessions for her in regards to a workout and climate. It’s her contention that an individual’s propensity to workout is not determined by the environment that they take place in. If an individual has the desire to make a change then they will, no matter where they are. As direct proof of this she remarks, “I’m the type of person that will work with whatever I’ve got, wherever I am. I will do anything to get my body moving. For example: when I was traveling Europe this past summer I went to ten different cities and four countries in six weeks. I didn’t have time to find local gyms near me but I did a workout almost every single day. I went for runs and then did some bodyweight conditioning workouts that consisted of jump squats, lunges, burpees, curty lunges, split squats, step ups… the list goes on. Bodyweight workouts are highly underestimated. With intensity they are highly effective!” She concedes that climate can influence people to be more fit and active than others because some climates allow outdoor activities year round but Canada doesn’t get a free pass as she proclaims, “Canadians have thick skin, we were born in the cold. We’re more than tough enough!”

While she’s a fan of the SoCal lifestyle, Randi has always been a loyal and committed daughter of Canada. She is the perfect bridge between these two locations with her approach to fitness. Huntington Beach, CA company Live Fit apparel signed Kennedy on as one of their athlete/models and ambassadors to the public. Featured prominently in the clothing ads on their website, she is the very embodiment of the natural and athletic lifestyle California is so recognized for. As a Canadian, Randi was particularly happy to represent Live Fit at a meet and greet events in Edmonton and Calgary. Jennifer Chan (B3 Athleisure CEO and Founder) states, “We hosted a meet and greet at our stores in November of 2016 with Randi. Live Fit has a very large presence in our stores and is an extremely popular brand with our clientele. It’s very inspiring to many of our customers. Randi was chosen by the CEO of Live Fit to come to our meet and greet because she is such a positive person. Her energy is contagious. Her interaction with the public, sharing her continuing path to strive for success, had a lasting impact on those who met her.” It’s this same aura which communicates and connects with those who follow Kennedy on her various social media platforms. While personal one-on-one communication seems to be a forte of Kennedy’s, it’s quite fitting that her use of social media connects her to a worldwide audience. She seems to always be caught between Canada and California. There are characteristics of both locations that seem to be inherent in this young professional. The Southern California diet and the myriad of outdoor activities appeal to her while the ruggedness, sports enthusiasm, and positive demeanor of her homeland are genetically part of her. Even so, perhaps both of the aspects we associate with these two parts of world simply reflect some of the more positive attributes which Randi possess; traits which we all aspire to. No matter where she is, this positive and motivated young lady makes an impact and conducts herself in a way that the company’s she is associated with admire. She states, “I have travelled the world; gone to Japan, Europe, Mexico, Hawaii, all over the USA and my training/nutrition has always remained the same. Working out in the morning and starting my day with a good sweat is a part of my every day routine. It’s second nature to me now. My day doesn’t feel complete without it! No matter where I am, I get in my workout; even if it’s a run outside or a bodyweight workout, which seems to be the easiest when I am on the go.” No excuses from Randi Kennedy, for herself or others. It’s time to become your best.

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