The Eclectic International Talent of Singer Marisol Echegoyen

Mexico has taken a number of hits in the past year. In contrast to those who might have defamed our neighbors to the south, much of its population offers a wealth of creativity and a benevolent demeanor; people like Marisol Echegoyen. This acclaimed and highly versatile singer has embraced the musical heritage of her homeland as well as become widely known for her affinity and proficiency in American musical genres including jazz, R&B, rock, and Rap. At least in artistic terms, Echegoyen knows what it’s like to be caught between two cultures. She concedes that much of the Latin American public, like that of the US, is aware of music but has lost a certain connection to its roots. While she has fronted big bands and small combos at major jazz festivals in Mexico, Marisol has mirrored this tactic in her performances throughout the United States bringing a strong Latin ingredient to audiences here in America. Vocal ambassador to both countries is as apt a moniker for Marisol as that of renowned vocalist which she has already earned.

Marisol Echegoyen

The Divas Latinas concert in Boston was a celebration of female vocalists from Latin American countries and the profound influence which they’ve had on the modern music scene. While American audiences might be more familiar with Jennifer Lopez and Shakira than Paulina Rubio, the popularity of women singers who proudly announce their Latin heritage is undeniable. Equally profound is the melodic and rhythmic influences they have brought to modern music. Produced by Sergio Torres Letelier, Tania Balcazar, and Monica Lyrae, Divas Latinas featured a group of distinguished female vocalists whose increasing popularity and talent has poised them to be the next generations musical dominants. At the concert, Marisol displayed both her unmatched vocal and rapping ability. Testifying to her belief in the importance of this concert event, Marisol relates, “Divas Latinas had to happen in America because it was necessary to display the top female vocal artists from the Latin Pop genre. It also had to happen here because nobody was doing shows with that type of music in the US, not at that level. People would conform with listening to the songs in their devices but never go to a live show.”

Embracing the far more traditional side of her musical mastery, Ms. Echegoyen performed as the lead vocalist with Peru Mestizo. Six-time Grammy winner Oscar Stagnaro is the musical director for this band widely acclaimed for its masterful performances of traditional Peruvian music. Communicating her enthusiasm in being a part of this ensemble, Marisol states, “I honestly never thought that I would perform at Boston City Hall with Oscar Stagnaro, but there we were performing! Having played so many gigs with him throughout the year, I was completely comfortable performing with him. I have so much respect for him that I would learn whatever song he wanted me to do in detail to impress him. He said that I was Peruvian by heart even though I wasn’t born there.” Marisol is also known for her work as the lead singer of the flamenco group Radicem which performed at many prestigious events in her homeland such as the International Dance Day in Mexico City, Feria Metropolitana Artesanal y Cultural Chimalhuacan Jazz Festival, 40th Jazz Festival of the National Institute of Fine Arts, and the Plaza Loreto Jazz Festival.

Modern Singer in touch with Mexican roots

As the daughter of the director of a professional dance school from the institute of fine arts in Mexico, Marisol has always been drawn to the arts. She confesses, “I have always been curious and attracted to different types of music. Whenever I hear something new, I want to immerse myself in that music. I find it refreshing and fun to hear the many possibilities that people can do with their instruments. For me it feels like being in a candy store. Studying the music of the US has been rewarding while also increasing my appreciation for my own culture and Mexican-folk music. “

Author: Patrick Wilson

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