Limbo - interview with solo artist Socially Altered

Krishnendu Ghosal is an unsigned solo artist from India going under the artist name of Socially Altered. He has self-released a single recently called "Limbo". We have conducted an interview with him.

What is your style of music?

My primary style of music is rock, and my secondary style is a mix of psychedelic rock, pop rock and alternative. It solely depends on the thought behind a song. I prefer to write songs to tell a story or show a particular emotion. So if the story or emotion behind the song relates to aggression, my style for that song would be more towards alternative rock than psychedelic rock or pop rock. In the same way if a song is about inner thoughts of a person the song would be more towards psychedelic rock. So I would say my style is a mix of a few sub genres of rock.

How did you develop this style? Who are your musical influences?

I have no formal training in music and I didn't try developing this style. I listen to a lot of music in a day when I am not recording, writing songs or making artworks. Listening is learning for me. If a certain style moves me emotionally, I end up using the style unknowingly when I compose. It's when I am recording and listening to my song that I realise that I have incorporated a certain style. I listen to a lot of different genres of music depending on my mood such as Western Classical, Blues, Jazz, Classic Rock, Pop Rock, Alternative Rock, Heavy Metal. Some bands which have influenced me to compose are Pink Floyd, The Doors, The Rolling Stones and The Who's. I listen to a few current bands as well who have influenced my style like the Arctic Monkeys and The White Stripes. So it's a mix of old and new.

What is your recent single Limbo about?

"Is this me walking, in this dreamy world ?" I have been suffering from a sleep disorder for a few years now. I witness strange and vivid dreams due to this disorder and wake up tired and sleepy. Limbo is about a rather vivid dream I had due to this sleeping disorder. A dream about me in a desolate place. In the dream, I initially felt fear and was unsuccessfully looking for people in this awkwardly strange place, where the sky was not how we perceive and the land was not what we tread on. After searching for a while the fear seemed to fade away and even though I was lost and alone in this unknown and very strange place, I was content and surprisingly happy. A lost dream where the unknown was more welcoming than reality. This song is about peace of mind in a strange situation and a celebration of the complex human mind.

Which is your favourite recording under your artist name 'Socially Altered'?

I am attached to all my compositions but due to lack of knowledge, no outside help, and proper equipment, I am aware that my recordings in the past have suffered. Currently, my equipment has improved a lot from where I started out and my knowledge on recording techniques have improved immensely. So I would have to say that Limbo is my most favourite recording till date under 'Socially Altered', but as I am learning everyday and improving my skills I am sure that my next recording would be my favourite and then the next and so on.

Where did you draw inspirations from for the mesmeric compositions in your music?

Inspiration is everywhere, but mostly from within. You have to be conscious of your own capabilities and shortcomings. Especially if you are a solo artist like me doing everything from composing, recording, marketing, making artworks and videos. I like creating new things, which could be a story, poem, a song, artwork or even a concept. Musically I normally compose the basic tune of a song and then work my way from there. Lyrics come very easily to me if I have a certain topic/story/ theme in my mind. So before I actually start composing a song I start writing a story or a poem and then compose the song using the plots, feelings and thoughts that I used in the story or poem. Some songs that I have composed have been from my own experiences in life, so the content was already there. You just have to look at things in a different way and not just on the surface. Separate yourself from an event and look at the event as a third person. I tend to think a lot on matters and like looking into things a little deeper than usual.

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