Interview with artist Juan Luis García

Today our guest is Juan Luis Garcia, an artist from Spain. he was born in Oviedo (Spain) in 1973. From a very young age, he was inclined towards artistic activities, especially drawing and painting. He is the ideologist and intellectual father of the COLLECTION OF PAINTING ART DIMENSION. A collection of artistic works in a small and medium format in which the influences of different styles are evident but always within the figuration.

What were your first experiences in holding exhibitions?

It's complicated and difficult when you're just getting started. My first exhibitions were in cafes, hotels, and restaurants. Until in 2007, in collaboration with Oviedo City Council, I held my first solo exhibition in a room that had the Palace of La Lila, now known as the Cibercentro, which is open to exhibitions. This exhibition was followed by three more in the years 2010, 2012 and 2014. Since I was prohibited from selling my works during these exhibitions, I got to gather more than fifty works and they are the ones that formed the collection in the beginning.

Were your creations made by learning from teachers or are you a self-taught artist?

At first one paints and draws because he likes without thinking of an academic formation, the problem is if one wants to learn the artistic techniques, which are necessary, there are not learned by infused science.

In my case, I have made the decision to go once a week to a workshop where they taught me the oil painting technique and I did really well. I graduated from the Taller de Caveda Decoración and I am currently at the Taller Ana del Puente in Oviedo.

How would you define your art?

As a teenager, impressionist and surrealist painters struck me a lot. Of which I have numerous books in which you can appreciate my work and know about my experiences.

That's why when I started to shape my painting collection, I winked at those styles. Anyway if you asked me where my painting is going, I would tell you that it was a "classic fusion art". As they say in music: CLASSICAL CROSSOVER.

Tell us a little about the Art Dimension Painting Collection

Well, the collection has the vocation to keep growing and making it self-known, in 2015 a selection of works were put on sale to be able to self-finance new works. This happened in the Cimentada Gallery of Oviedo and we also went to an international art fair in Italy, the AAF AFFORDABLE ART FAIR MILANO 2016, with the Gaudi Gallery in Madrid. Both experiences were very enriching both personally and artistically.

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