Interview with Amazon Bestselling Author Margot Sandy

Margot Sandy is an Amazon Bestselling Author who is currently traveling the world while running an entrepreneurial enterprise (In The Now, LLC) with a focus on engineering consulting, mentoring students with the next steps in their careers and public speaking. Previously, she was part of the Brookstone Lab as a Senior Mechanical Engineer after years of developing consumer products in cross-functional teams as a Product Development Engineer at Fisher-Price. In both positions, she gained nearly 10+ years' experience with the inter-workings of public and private companies that had revenues of over 6 billion dollars and over 100 million dollars. We have conducted an interview with Margot.

How long have you been working in cross-functional teams?

I have been working in cross-functional teams in New Product Development for 10+ years now. These types of inter-disciplinary teams are a great melding of different product perspectives. Each area has their own verbiage and viewpoint on how to develop a product. The challenge in New Product Development is somehow merging all of those perspectives to the common goal of creating a successful product. It is a challenge that I very much enjoy!

What impresses you the most while developing consumer products from product conception to production start?

The transformation from product idea/sketch to a physical product is one of the most impressive parts of the development process. It is usually a journey to get there but going through the ups and downs of developing something that hasn’t been created before and the efforts of so many facets in the process that come together for this tangible thing is pretty cool.

What do you think are your strengths?

Some of my strengths are being calm under pressure, the ability to react to change and being able to effectively communicate across disciplines. I credit a lot of this to being a successful student-athlete growing up and early on learning how to multi-task.

Why did you write 'If You Build It, LIFE Will Come’? What have you achieved since the launch of this book?

I wrote my book, ‘If You Build It, LIFE Will Come’ to share my story of building a business and going after what you really want in life. Through a little humor (too many 90s references), sporting challenges, some academic stresses and triumphs and a bevy of spontaneous international trips I share my journey to how I’ve crafted the life I truly wanted by simply trying and approaching life with a zest for learning and creating. I did not take a cookie cutter approach and I wanted to share that message. Since I launched the book, it has become an Amazon #1 Bestseller and hopefully has made a little bit of an impact along the way.

Which are the topics you have spoken publicly?

In my public speaking engagements, I cover the product development process in an effort to share the framework / methodology for creating new products to entrepreneurs, inventors and business owners. I also speak about stepping outside your comfort zone, techniques to navigate through the work and real world and developing personal and professional goals to help find the ultimate balance.

What kind of opportunities are you seeking in consulting, mentoring, writing and/or public speaking?

In terms of consulting, I’m looking for entrepreneurs and inventors to work with and help them turn their product idea into a tangible product that is ready for the market and manufacturable. In terms of mentoring, I love working with students and guiding them and can provide some sound advice for moving forward in the next phases of their life. Lastly, I thrive off of speaking in front of an audience and enjoy providing fun, interactive experiences on product creation. Whether there is a need for a 1-2 hr. speech or a 1-2 day workshop I can provide that type of engagement. Please contact me about any of these areas.

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