Singaporean Thoughts - Interview with author Cirsten Weldon

Singaporean Thoughts is the story of Asian-born Cirsten Weldon, inspired by her experiences as a model, a Playboy Playmate, and actress, as well as from her personal faith and political worldview. It includes her thoughts on decor, politics, religion, and dating. We have conducted an interview with her.

Where did you draw inspirations from in writing your book, 'Singaporean Thoughts'?

You write a book for one of 2 reasons>Ego or to inform...I chose to inform>also the Curiosity factor of what a Singaporean thinks. I met David Dunham a huge publisher and he did Damon Johns of Shark Tank and my friend Mr. Bill Cosby still a good friend after 25 years.

Why did you choose this title? Who do you want to reach?

You can only use the word Singaporean if you are Singaporean and I hope to reach everyone that in interested in life and Love.

Where did you gain your acting and modeling experiences? Which is more challenging for you, and why?

I fell into modeling as I had a BS in design and wanted to be a Fashion Designer which I did for a while at Addictions on Sunset for the Stars>Cher, Courtney Cox, Lisa Black....
Modeling was easy as I am photogenic and know how to work with the camera...the acting is a lot harder and more rejection as Hollywood does not really know what it wants like New York does.

To what extent do you agree that politics and religion are both taboo topics for people on a first date?

Yes you are not supposed to discuss politics and religion on the first date but I do>because I do not want to waste time I dated an Independent for 13 years then he became a Libtard as he did Obamas, Oprahs, David Geffens, Cindy Crawfords, Will Smith, Calvin Klein was the phone man to the stars ...I dumped him because he voted for 2nd term bleed out Obama a 2nd time...If you are not equally yoked in Religion and Politics then you will not be a team ...He might be on an opposing team.

How much do you think a person's taste in decor reveals his/her personality type?

Your decor definitely shows your character>if you like it minimal you are usually the kind of person that will be throwing away things that you need like I do!!! If you like clutter and filling up the place you are usually old school!!!

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