IslandHive - a creative company to enhance the everyday living of the Caribbean

IslandHive is a diverse, innovative and creative company to enhance the everyday living of the Caribbean and across the world. The company is not only limited to software, but they also explore different avenues in hardware to bring new, exciting life enhancement solutions and innovations to the world. We have conducted an interview with IslandHive' founder Chris Carter.

When and what inspires you to start an innovative and diverse company in the Caribbeans?

IslandHive was founded in 2015. At the age of 15, I was introduced to my first assignment at the Deighton Griffith Secondary. It was a very small assignment. One of my teachers, Ronald Blades, gave me and exercise to build a simple web page in notepad. As simple as it was, I was fascinated and it activated my curiosity to learn more about it.

Having access to the internet,  started to do research on different techniques in web development. I started to use Flash Macromedia; at that time it was easier in some sense and the tools were in abundance. Every tool I tried to master, I've spent countless hours watching tutorials, reading online and seeking advice from professionals across the world.

It became part of my hobbies and grown as a passion for me. I remember a lot of people told me it couldn't be done, but here I am.

During my years of my life, I've grown a passion for web development and apps. I didn't have the best training in the world but I still tried. I started working under a small technology business company part-time in Barbados, one of the few who believed in me, the one who gave me a chance and incubate my projects. They gave me my first international job for my first website for a company in the United States of America.

Things started to slow down so I eventually left the company. As a newbie in the field of business, I was very young at the time (in my early 20's); I found it very hard to get a job. I was denied by many firms, companies and entertainment industries. It was very frustrating since I had many ideas. Afterwards, I've decided to open my own business currently know as "IslandHive" creating and developing my own products. I hope everyone enjoys the experience IslandHive has to offer.

What are the main challenges as a creative company from Barbados?

More Exposure about us
  • Investment
  • Business Facilitation
  • Need better equipment to work with.
  • Support

Who are your clients in technology and which are your bestselling solutions?

Our client is the people. We do not sell technology, however we provide services which anyone can use in a appropriate way to assist them in their needs.

Which kind of problems have you solved?

We have manage to make a social impact for our economy here in Barbados, and boosting the social presence in the Caribbean.

What are some of your portfolio and past experiences in solution provision?

The software in which we work on can be viewed here : - Social Network - Music Streaming Service (currently under maintenance at this time)
I work maintain and service both networks.

What kind of workplace diversity do you encourage?

I encourage the workplace not only to focus on one talent, but to learn and development a variety of new fields of interest to make them more unique.

How does diversity differentiate your company from the others?

The more diverse you are, the more unique you are.

How do you describe your skill set and talents?

My skill set is very diverse and innovative. I focus on from computer code to physics. One day I would love to relish a chance on introducing a new innovative technology to the world (Quantom Technology).

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