Interview with model Karina Zakaryan

We have conducted an interview with Karina Zakaryan to talk about how she started her model career.

How did you get discovered?

I was offered work in model agencies since I was 15. It was interesting, but I knew that my priority is higher education. I didn't understand that the model has age limits. I chose education. During the last years, I have combined education with office work. Approximately two years after graduation, I received another offer of model work. By the time I could afford it. I decided to try. I have already had a contract after a month.

How did you feel at school - thin or tall?

Yes, it's about me. I was the tallest in the class including boys. As a child, we cannot evaluate the advantages of appearance and we often have complexes. I stopped without noticing it. The first experience of the model made me straighten my back and proudly carry myself on the podium. I became more confident in myself, thanks to the work of the model. I learned to love myself. Now I wear heels and feel even higher -above everyone's head. I think it's beautiful.

What sports did you play growing up?

I was part of every single sports team at my school. I played basketball, I was on the running team, the volleyball team. I loved being active. Models are constantly evaluated, they are often denied. 

How do you experience this? 

Honestly, I did not have the experience at all and the first time for me it was stress. The model has the right to choose work. I go to the casting only if the work with these customers is interesting for me. And it is difficult to accept the rejection of people in whom you are interested. Now I have already had my philosophy about the refusal. I do not analyze what's wrong with me, I do not blame anyone. In recent years, the number of models has been growing very much. And there are so many types. I even feel a little sorry for the customers. It's so hard to choose. And if I was refused this project - it means nothing. It's just a case. Tomorrow I will be the one to choose. Now I calmly experience failure. I'm just moving on. Even periodically I look through the results of work where I was refused. Failures must be taken calmly. It sounds banal, doesn’t it? But it’s true.

What's the secret of the models that have succeeded in your opinion?

I think that the main thing is that they loved their profession and believed in themselves. They walked to their dream. They worked hard, including working on themselves. I'm sure their ways were failures and defeats. But they did not give up. With such position, success is inevitable.

Any advice you would give your 13-year-old self?

That you’re going through some of the most important years of your life developmentally. You will really discover who you are; what your beliefs are; your morals etc… so it is paramount that you don’t give value to the words of other people. What you think of yourself is far more important than what others do. As long as you listen to body, conscious and mind in order to do the right thing for you, you will do the right thing. And that kindness is much more valuable than wisdom.

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