
Today our guests are Michel and Felipe from Amsterdam, who have created a startup called Saleapp. It is a free App for IOS to promote small businesses. We have conducted an interview with them.

What is your 'Saleapp' about?

Saleapp is a free app for IOS, to promote small business. The idea is that using localization services users and owners can post photos of products and services on sale in radius of 26km. Each post is located in the map and using the TAKE ME THERE button, users can choose to walk or drive to that location. Saleapp is an app that shows things around, that means that each post is relevant to time, this means that in case of bad weather, shops can upload discounts nearby users, things like coffee, clothes, umbrellas, among others. Posts are organized by time in order to make them more browse able. Although you still have the possibility of searching by categories, name or by distance in the map.

Who did you develop it for?

Saleapp has three main users in mind, the first one are business owners who want to promote daily products and discounts, the second ones are users who want to share their experiences on the map. The third ones, are people who like to browse new things around them, this app is a great tool if you are traveling, because it generates shopping patterns in the city, highlighting shopping districts and areas of interest among others. Saleapp is also a great social network also, you can chat, comment, like, and follow users.

It has a cool name, and could you tell us how does it work?

Thank you, our idea was to create an easy to remember name, where its use is reflected in its name. The idea of Saleapp is that every time you find something special in a shop, you can save it. The app will ask you some basic information about the product to let others know how to find it, therefore, every time you post something new, you go to the camera, take a photo, add a description, category, price, discount, name of the store and at the end you will find button labelled, GET MY LOCATION, which will generate a pin on the map with the post. Thereafter, the photo will be posted and others within the 26km radius, will be able to see that post, and all the other post in the area. So, if you find something you like, you can click it and the app will show you where that post was taken on the map and also you will find the TAKE ME THERE function, which, if you press it, will ask you; if you want to walk or drive, showing you a step by step directions on how to reach that product.

On Saleapp you are in an open social network, you can choose to follow someone or block people you would not like to follow. But in principle we are all friends of each other’s.

Where can interested users find it?

The Saleapp is available worldwide for free at the appstore, you can find more information on how to use it on our website

What are the benefits and advantages of using this app?

This app is a tool to promote small shops. So, you can find new things anywhere, sometimes you mis great products or discounts because you don’t know about them. So, instead of limiting the app only to store owners, we want to encourage shoppers to share their experiences and tastes.

This app represents a great way to get to know your city and to take advantage of it, is a great way to save and share the things you like, it’s also a great tool for social networking. You can make comments on a post and event start a chat with someone you like.

How does automated localization services helps your target users of your app?

Every time you take a photo with our app, you can save the location of that photo, that will generate a pin on the map, therefore it only works when you use it on the spot. The app then save this information and share it with all the others users on that area. With Saleapp you not only shop by trying to find something interesting, or by seeing comments but also by searching by distance and time of the post. We try to encourage our users to post regularly, because each post has a context in time.

Who are the people behind this app? Where are you based?

This app idea was created by Michel ( as a way to discover new things without using a search engine, or others services to search for business around you. Instead we want to promote single articles, not necessarily the whole business.

We believe that the difference is in the quality of the products and the time of the promotion. The main idea of Saleapp is to be able browse for everything near you. Therefore, you don’t have to be searching for something in particular, it can be anything, the app will refresh itself each time someone posts something new, so you will find first just the new posts. We think this is very important because, each post is relevant to a moment of the day, and owners can take advantage of this feature, because they can take advantage of small discounts depending on what the weather or time of the day is. Owners can post things from a commercial perspective or users from a casual perspective. Is up to the viewers to choose which one they like the most.

For example you can ask people to have some breakfast in the morning with a fixed price or to have a pint of beer in the afternoon, or you can post a discount on umbrellas on a rainy day, among other infinite possibilities.

Thereafter Michel and I (Felipe - felipe@saleapp,org), started working on the mock-ups and the user interface of the app. That took us a few months to finish. The next step was to hire an app developer (Juan Gil -, for the las part of the start-up.

Michel and Felipe
Amstel 124A
The Netherlands


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