Going North: Tips & Techniques to Advance Yourself

Dominique Brightmon is a library assistant who lives in Baltimore, MD. He has written and published his 1st book, "Going North: Tips & Techniques to Advance Yourself." His goal is to be a public speaking librarian and he joined Toastmasters International to help facilitate that. We have conducted an interview with Dominique.

How does the library help others to change their lives?

The library helps others to change their lives because they contain more than books. An article I read a couple years ago mentioned how public libraries want to be your office. I personally work in a public library and can confirm this from experience. As I converse with patrons who frequent the library, they mention how they get a lot of work done at libraries because they are distracted less. One patron even told me that the library is “one of his many offices in the state”. The public library in the 21st century goes beyond the books. It is an information sanctuary that contains the space and tools that can help others launch themselves into a new chapter of their lives.

Which are the most effective ways for people to know about it?

The most effective ways for people to know about your local library is to simply visit one. A lot of libraries have story-times for kids and the technology for adults to assist with making progress in their career or their lives.

What is your goal? Why is it important?

My goal is to be a public speaking librarian. A librarian who gives motivational speeches is not something that people don't think about when they think of a traditional librarian. I love reading, public speaking, and helping people. This goal is a way to do combine those things into something interesting.

What inspires you to write your book "Going North: Tips and Techniques to Advance Yourself"?

When you are around books a lot, you are eventually going to pick up a couple and read them. I compiled a list of my favorites and handed them out to some people in my area. One lady I handed a list to asked me: “Where is your book?” I was dumbfounded because I never thought about writing a book in my twenties and English class was never my best subject in grade school. After that encounter, I decided to write and publish “Going North”.

How has that changed your life?

This has changed my life in many ways. It increased my confidence. When someone has faith in you and challenges you to do more it has a major impact on you. Especially when you take action and see the results. It also allowed me to realize that you don't always have to be on the sidelines admiring someone else's work. You can create and publish your own work to reach people that your heroes may not be able to reach. A book is a conduit to dynamic living.

My new confidence in my publishing my 1st book has inspired me to write another book. When you do something for the 1st time and feel good about it, you'll want to do more.

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