
Tonight our guest is Jake, aka Ikspliz!t. He was born in NZ but lived most of his life in Aussie. He set a goal on NYE 2016 to get his first Record Deal. Jake signed 4 contracts so far. His latest EP -MethOD- just got signed to MT-Musik.

Who inspires you the most for your music?

Inspiration: Would have to come from so many area's/times in my life it's hard to pinpoint. Number 1 would be Pink Floyd as to me, they are the sound of my childhood. The depth of emotion they portray is 2nd to none, their sound is literally my hero. The passion their music took to create and my memories as a child growing up through happy and sad times always plays back as a Pink Floyd song. Thankfully my parents loved good music!

How do you describe your music?

I describe my music as current feelings being put into sound as i find it hard to communicate with people through talking. I've been through a lot of traumatizing events over the last couple of years and this has turned me into a very shy person with a lot to give. So i try and convert these feelings into sound. It's almost all i have left to offer is the feeling i get.

What does it take to be the best Recording Guitarist?

I have no idea what it takes to be the best recording guitarist as im not trying to be the best. As long as i feel I'm full filling the best i can be, and fixing bad playing habits as I've played since i was 5. Then I'm happy. I only wish I had other musicians/Guitarists to collaborate with, then my feelings could be shared so much more easily!

How important is music to you? To what extend are you willing to give for music?

Music is everything to me, it lets us relive memories, it lets us hideaway whilst in plain site. It is literally everything. When i listen to a song, I analyse it and try and work out exactly what the creator was feeling or trying to portray. Even if it was a song designed to be commercial and mass produced i try and channel the producers thoughts into why he chose certain aspects and not others. Whether it's the artists feelings on show or the producers, it's all so amazing to me. This feel is to me truly living.

Which is your favourite 'Dark & Haunting Chillhouse Vibe' track in your latest EP? How long did you take to produce this music?

My favourite track on the my new EP Method. Would have to be Caesar as it was the first time, i was able to write with such variation in my music. I hope anyone that hears it can appreciate this. I am willing to give everything for my music. Hopefully i grow into something that people want in their lives. I have so much to give yet promoting this fact is extremely hard both through shyness and purely through the amount of time it takes compared to the time available. Every hour I'm not at work I'm in my studio studying, the progress I have made in one year of self production studying is truely astounding, I couldnt have done it without my mate #Baxsta teaching me Ableton Live. If it wasn't for him, I'd be nowhere in my production. He spent countless hours helping me learn the basics to get where i am today. So thanks mate!

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