Advind Apparel : Adventures in Style

Based in Canada, “Advind Apparel” is a clothing company with a vision: inspiring people to follow their dreams because no dream is ever too big! The company was created by Olivier Jean, a Parisian who relocated to the beautiful Canadian countryside in order to live a life in tune with nature and embrace a spirit of independence and freedom. We have conducted an interview with Olivier.

What is your vision for your clothing company?

Inspiring people to follow their dreams, because no dream is ever to big! Advind is all about following your heart and never giving up, turning every day into an adventure.

Our designs and products are inspired by the personal and meaningful connection with what we do and what we stand for! We are not trend chasers, we really live our value. We are focused on providing premium products for men and women looking to embrace comfort and style.

How does it make your company special?

The beauty of nature, adventure and liberty are in our DNA at Advind Apparel. We love mountains. They are full of symbols. When you climb a mountain you need patience, perseverance and you always have to keep in mind your goal, the top. These values are talking to us. This is why we choose Mountains as our logo.

We want through Advind to share these values and send this message to all: Get outside, move, go explore the wonder of nature. But also Live your own adventure. Take risks. Never give up and achieve your dreams!

Olivier Jean, you are the founder, what is your background story?

I am a real estate investor and a career business man.
My story is that of a parisian who left his hometown, to live in the vast territories of Canada.
I always wanted to live a life in tune with nature and embrace a spirit of independence and freedom. I realized my dream. I live surrounded by nature. It's a real revival, a soothing therapy for me. I thank God for this.

What inspires you to the creation of the clothing company?

I'm also a creative soul. I always wanted to create my own brand of clothing. Some people play music, others write novels; I want to express myself through the creation and design of clothes and a brand that resemble me, that tell my story and is a source of inspiration for others.

Which are your favourite kind of lifestyle clothing?

I love simple and comfortable quality clothes that defy time and fashion. And this is what I propose with the new line of clothes that I have created for Advind.

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