Origins - Interview with author Chris Laird

Today our guest is Chris Laird. He is a novelist from Detroit, Michigan publishing his first Science Fiction novel ORIGINS. It is a thrilling Science Fiction novel of a war between humans and aliens. We have conducted an interview with Chris.

Which year in time is your story set in?

The story takes place in the 28th century.

What inspires you to write this science fiction novel on the war between aliens and humans?

I have always been fascinated with the universe and the many secrets it holds. I feel the human race has a lot to learn about the universe. I also believe one day we may have to battle other alien races once we have encroached on their territory.

What is the novel about?

There is a war between the humans and the savage Ramassidor alien race. The humans are losing the war and are on the verge of being enslaved and executed along with other alien races. When the humans find out the purpose of this war, the truth is absolutely terrifying.

What is the key message in your story?

Know matter how much you are stonewalled and lied to, you have to keep pressing for the truth and remain confident in your instincts.

How did the humans find the motivation of the aliens?

The readers will have to find out how that happened.

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