Interview with musician Emanuele Ranieri
Emanuele Ranieri is a musician from Orvieto, Italy. We have conducted an interview with him about his new musical project.
Why did you choose to make music in the Rock/electronica, grunge, hiphop, progressive/blues genre?
I see you have been found me through ReverbNation and the site answered me for three times what music I do and for three times I said what music I "would like"to do.
I performed many genres with different people of different cultures so I try to replicate them feelings into mine. I don't want to make only one exclusive music...
How long have you been making music?
When I was 6 or 7 years old after a present of a guitar I started to study cello and music theory at the school of music here in my town..then Drums Because I like very much play drums the best instrument to spit out all from inside of you...Bass and guitar were always at home cause my father also plays..started to make my music around 16 and in 1994 I made the first original work with NIUMONIA.
With whom are your three most dynamic collaborations made so far?
Mmmmm are many the collaborations I had..for sure with maestro Arturo Annechino playing with symphonic band it's a very interesting collaboration cause we make soundtracks for films and theatre and we had a lot so satisfaction also can hear my bass in the most important and beautiful places were the art in an old and beautiful story...the last (Medea)have been performed into the Rome Coliseum and was an honor...and now we come back in studio to record another soundtrack for a film the next week.another one it's a decade collaboration with Dj Myke and men in scratch because I discovered another world into music as hip hop culture and I worked with Dj and them sound coming from turntable as drums vocals and every sound you can imagine.
Another musician in my opinion, amazing when plays it's the harmonica player Leno Landini I remember when I see in piazza di Spagna playing on the Trinità dei Monti..I was 17 and many years later I found again and started play a lot of blues also a lot of rock cause he has a pedalboard and two amps to a very powerful sound..a killer!!!
Who or what influences your music the most?
The bands of 70's all...especially Led Zeppelin and Genesis..but I like many artists one is can be John Coltrane another Ray Charles..but Van Halen too...and Paganini or Robert Fripp or all King Krimson..a lot!!!
Which places give you the most inspirations to music making?
Home and stage are the places I want to be always...