STOP Asking For Permission & Give Notice

Charron Monaye is an Author, Playwright, and Book Publisher. She is a Philadelphia native. She writes inspirational books that are geared to helping and motivating individuals to live out there dreams. She coaches people through their mess so that they can have a beautiful testimony in the end. We have conducted an interview with her about her book, STOP Asking For Permission & Give Notice.

What should those who read and digest the words from the pages of STOP Asking for Permission & Give Notice receive?
Individuals will receive transparency, honesty, and commitment. They will receive transitional playbook that will explain, coach, and direct them to real love, wealth, abundance, and a strong sense of self-purpose. They will understand that in order to reach destiny, one must proclaim their desire and then prepare to receive it. One thing I have learned through my transformational period is that “God will not bless you with his rewards when you are living in your mess.” It took for me to acknowledge and accept my role in my life. I had to stop blaming others for my lack and own my flaws; for better or worse. I had to look at myself in the mirror and say, “Charron you are stagnant and unhappy because of YOU!” and own it. It was the hardest thing to do, but it was in that moment that I was reminded that I don’t need the world’s permission, validation, or acceptance to be great; I was already “Great” because I am a Child of God. Stop Asking for Permission & Give Notice is a book that will help you get clear about who you are and why you exist so that you can prepare to meet your destiny. I truly believe that we get what we plan and prepare for. Preparing ahead of time ensures longevity.

How has your life changed since you made the decision to own your life?
Before I started on this journey of personal transformation, for the third time, I was in debt, unhappy, unsatisfied, people-pleaser, heartbroken, and invalidated. Yes, you read that right, I had become a serial offender when it came to making the same mistakes over and over, and over again. I was re-living situations, feelings, and experiences that I made a vow to never see again. I was at my weakest asking “why”, trying to figure out “what” I was doing wrong and “how” I got to this point again. Since I couldn’t figure out the answers, I was coached and redirected by Author and Motivational Speaker Vaughn J. McNeill, who made me realize that I was the carrier of my fate and the owner of my happiness. He showed me that who I was and what I allowed was because of my choices!! After almost 2 years conversing with him, I got up, went to church, prayed for strength and a new story, made better choices, walked out and never turned back to merely “existing”. Now, I am enjoying life and life is enjoying me. I do everything today I prayed for last year. Getting here took major sacrifice and readjusting, but that is where Stop Asking for Permission & Give Notice comes in. Clarity and Preparing eliminate any excuses you try and persuade yourself of and I teach you about that in this book.

How unique is your writing process for your inspirational books as an author as well as a playwright?
My writing process is very simple. I have been writing for over 20 years and as I developed and learned the art and styles of writing, my ability of what I could write evolved. I went from writing poetry, to writing song lyrics, to writing magazine articles, to writing scripts, now to writing novels (inspirational books). There is no limit to what I can do when it comes to a pen and paper, or laptop. Even though I can write almost anything, my writing is typically filled with some of my personal experiences, wisdom, and feelings. I live in and through what I write, which is the reason why I have the ability to connect to my readers. I speak, feel, and understand what they are going through in their lives, because, I too, have dealt with it or had to overcome from it. My writing is a true testament that no one is going through anything alone. We have all been there!

What kind of challenges do you encounter when coaching (helping) people through their mess?
People fear the process! That is the biggest challenge I face when coaching people to personal, entrepreneur, and financial freedom. We are naturally fearful of the unknown and change, but I ask my clients to give “faith” a try. I always tell people, “You can’t pray and say you trust God but won’t step out on his word enjoy the riches he bestowed on you.” And I get it, we don’t know what “enjoying life” may entail or how much it will cost, but if you believe in his word you know that he “will never leave you or forsake you”. Now I am not saying it will be easy, but anything worth having is worth fighting for, right! But once we get through the fear and the excuses, they begin to let their guard down and proceed knowing that I have their back and in the end they will WIN!!!

Is there anything else you would like to share concerning your book with our readers?
I pray that after reading this interview, you are inspired, empowered, and motivated to walk in your purpose or level up to live in your abundance. I went from nothing to something simply because I listened, discovered, and answered my purpose and took my life back. I want the same for you! In my last book, “Stop Asking for Permission & Give Notice” I teach, testify to, and provide actionable steps you can take to own your life and your greatness. If you are tired of living in circles or feel that you haven’t yet tapped into your full potential, I pray that these stories, testimonies and words of wisdom get you motivated enough to take the first step so that God can take the second one for you. I hope my testimony not only gave you hope but reminded you that your setback is truly your set up for an amazing comeback. No one thought I could bounce back from that day, But God! Believe in him and trust in You and watch the manifestation of Glory! You are truly worthy of it!
My books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books A million, or for an autograph copy contact

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