SCREAMXO - one-stop social networking platform
Today’s social media landscape is messy – there are so many different social networks and messaging platforms, with so many different ways to interact with your friends, family and acquaintances. So what if there was a way to bundle all those social media experiences into one all-inclusive social media app?
That’s the premise behind SCREAMXO, a one-stop social networking platform that will help to organize your online social life. Through a simple, intuitive user interface, there are five simple tabs – Media Buffet, Shop, Stream, Time and Social – that correspond to the way people really use the web in 2016. Media Buffet is a way to share, stream and upload multimedia content, Shop is an e-commerce storefront, Stream is a microblogging feature, Time is a way to change how long your media and chat content stays visible, and Social is an easy-to-use messaging service.
These five functions consolidate the best features of the most popular social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter, but then add a few features that even these networks don’t have. Take, for example, the auto-delete feature found within the Time function of the app. You can opt to have your social media updates auto-delete within a specific period of time, much like the auto-delete functionality of Snapchat. Or, take for example the Stream function of the app – it offers the same ease of microblogging as Twitter, but takes the 140-character limit and tosses it out the window. It’s microblogging without limits. We have conducted an interview with the developers.
Who did you design and develop this one-stop platform for? Why is having a one-stop app useful?
I created SCREAMXO for social media power users, who stream and share music, pictures, videos and podcasts and would also like to buy and sell globally. Moreover, our users can tweet their hearts out, with SCREAMXO there’s no 140 character limit. Last but not least we separate business from personal with our easy social messenger, with auto-delete so you control when your text disappears, we call it time control. Having a one stop shop is half the battle creating a user-friendly app that actually stimulates interaction is our more defined goal.
What are the five functions in SCREAMXO?
Indeed, there are 5 main features on SCREAMXO. Firstly we have the media buffet, this section houses user’s music, pictures, videos and podcasts in one convenient section. Next we have the shop, users can buy and sell with friends or globally using PayPal, bitcoin or western union.
Which are the added features in SCREAMXO that are not available in the consolidated popular social networks?
We have the most intuitive super simple user interface, our users also are given 100% control over their security and privacy on SCREAMXO versus other sites. From our unique features like time control to our beautiful interface SCREAMXO provides and safe haven for everything social.
How can young creative professionals make use of this app?
SCREAMXO provides young creatives a place to professionally organize media, merchandise or products in one highly magnetizing application. Not only can our users display any form of creative media users may also conduct sales and blog quickly and easily using this one single application. SCREAMXO is the app for young creative professionals, bar none.
What are the upcoming launch activities?
We’ve gotten picked up by the Huffington post, Buzzfeed and a number of press sites. We also have a vast array advertisements running. Blog’s and social media are also being used to reach our audience. We also have a press release in NOV, in New York. Last but not least we are enlisting some backing from marketing agencies that will help us reach the critical masses to make SCREAMXO the success we all need it to be in penetrating the industry.