Maximum High

Vibrant, dynamic and extremely innovative – Maximum High delivers complete entertainment through wild & untamed Rock-music that incorporates Funk, Dub, Dance & Punk sounds into their own identifiable, signature-style. With sincerely driven passion aimed at making the most of every moment and creating something truly special with their anything-goes mentality and DIY approach – Maximum High is confidently stepping into the independent-scene determined & ready to bring Rock back to the forefront of music and the top of playlists worldwide. Based out of Athens, Greece – Maximum High is: Irene Dimopoulou (Vocals), Thanos Amorginos (Guitar), Dimitri Koutsiouris (Bass) and Nick Zografos (Drums). As the name implies Maximum High is better listened to on Maximum High levels! We have conducted an interview with bassist Dimitri Koutsiouris.

What are you working on right now?
My attitude! Hahahaha I am just kidding, we ‘re working on many things but just to name a few, finishing enough material for a full album, planning shows and getting our band organized for the next step.

What genre are you playing?
That's difficult to say, it's a bit of a mixed bag, I will definitely say rock, alternative, punk, dub and of course swing... Everyone in the band has different things to incorporate, there is a somewhat 80s element, from my obsession with Roxy music and then Thanos will kick in with his MC5 and Funkadelic! Obviously Nick is keeping us together with his Stewart Copeland, Billy Cobham or John Bonham style but in the end it's all about the voice and Irene's voice can range from a Joan Jett like rawness or can be soft and melodic like Ella Fitzgerald and Grace Slick!

How unique is your creative process of making music? How is it like? 
Very Unique, never the same and absolutely not boring! I would say in general having a bunch of people around you trying to play JUST the song and not anything less or more is a great deal probably one in a million. The process sometimes takes minutes or even days. We are having a blast doing it especially since we don't have outsiders input. We're re on a DIY mission.

What are the musical elements of your new EP, Maximum High?
Well at the moment people can buy our digital self-titled EP Maximum High via Bandcamp (later in all digital platforms and on vinyl) but having heard the rest of the material I can only say it's all in there! As individuals in the band we've really put our own stamp on our material and that something that comes across easily.

What does your band like to do outside of music that contributes to your musicality?
Well I do tour manage a band and that's a lot of work but a great experience with a bunch of amazing musicians and also I do a lot of animal charity (Yeap Greece has a big problem with stray animals) , Thanos is a music producer and he has his recording and rehearsal facilities always busy working with bands! Irene is teaching English, does social media for people and also is into charity for animals and people in need. Nick is a business owner and also plays with other artists and does a lot of studio session work, he also breaks walls

How much talent do you have?
Hahahaha! Let me grab my measurement tape! If it helps I will say that our music is original and totally unprocessed. Nowadays, bands play inconsistently and then later on edit everything so "it sounds tight”, Thanos hates editing, auto tune and too much effect, I can assure you what you hear on the E.P is how the band really sounds like live. Irene just went in and did it and that's the way she sings, very loud and on pitch. So what's there to fix? That's what I call talented imperfection, creation, excitement and having something to say.

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