Just Love Everybody

Tonight our guest is Greg Ware the author of the inspirational science-fiction thriller "Just Love Everybody." Greg lives in Pasadena, CA and works as an administrator for the local school district. He is also a musician and producer with a Top-Forty hit and over 20 songs placed on television. His novel is a soliloquy of syntax soaked in science-fiction, yet seasoned with the truth. We have conducted an interview with him.

How different is producing top-forty hits versus writing an epic-adventure about time travel?
Believe it or not, there are several similarities in these seemingly inharmonious endeavors. As Quincy Jones once stated, "A great song isn't written, it's rewritten." The attention to detail and the willingness to take chances is a talent that deserves recognition.

I see you have a music soundtrack that accompanies the novel. How do they work in tandem?
Well, first let me say that this book is not about music. Yet, the music is integral to the plot in ways that enhance the reading experience. To say any more than that would ruin the voyage.

Who inspires you the most in crafting the main character of your story?
I have always been a huge fan of Rod Serling. He had character driven stories that pushed the envelope, while touching your soul. However, don't forget about those shocking endings. One Amazon reviewer wrote that "Just Love Everybody" is "The Twilight Zone on Steroids!"

How easy or difficult was the journey to write "Just Love Everybody: Father time is Running out on Mother Nature"?
Writing this novel took the best part of six years out of my life. I do have a Masters in Education and a Teaching Credential, which gave me a solid foundation to build on. This soliloquy of syntax introduces science-faction.

What is your key message to readers of your book?
My key message to my readers is to, "Question everything." Follow the beacon of truth wherever the destination! My writing is designed to mirror society while inspiring reflection. "Father Time is running out on Mother Nature"


If anyone buys the book on launch date which is November 29th - next Tuesday - they can download the soundtrack for free! A $9.99 value. A free Cd and novel for $2.99

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