CrossFit Shawnee

CrossFit Shawnee located in western Shawnee Kansas is more than just a gym or Fitness Center, it is a community of support, education, and guidance dedicated to helping you achieve your fitness achievements. We have conducted an interview with mobility trainer Dr. Eric Thompson.

How did you get into coaching?
I found out about Crossfit while serving in the Navy around 2010. What started as a means to stay fit while on the ship turned into a passion. I wanted to share that with others, so I got certified as a coach.

How do you help people to achieve their fitness goals?
We focus on endurance, strength, conditioning and a sense of community. Keeping people accountable while focusing on those areas helps people achieve their fitness goals.

What can people expect at a CrossFit Class?
People can expect a blend of strength and conditioning classes and small group training classes, all in a 1 hour session. This session begins with a group warm up. Next, the group has a skill or strength training session. Then we finish with a WOD (workout of the day). Any of the lifts or motions can be scaled back. It’s self paced, that’s for sure.

What is the hardest part for beginners?
The hardest part for most people is getting used to unfamiliar exercises like kettle bell swings or olympic style lifts such as cleans. There is a lot of core work involved.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Five years from now I’ll be doing the same thing I’m doing now...helping people improve their fitness levels. I’m passionate about CrossFit and I’m also passionate about what a great area Shawnee, Kansas is to live in!

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