
Rd Vincent is an American Author who writes American Fables in a series called Donbridge. His stories are based upon tales told to him by his grandmother and have been passed along through over 5 generations by word of mouth. To date, he has published 4 stories in the series and plans to have 9 total stories overall relating to Donbridge. We have conducted an interview with him.

What is so good in your stories that you received 5 stars recognition on Amazon's readers?
The family aspect of the stories and the adventures which the characters experience during the tales stand out in my mind. These stories have survived nearly 150 years of my family history and so I beleive people are intrigued by these early American Settlers and as such develop lasting bonds with these characters. That said I feel people overall just enjoy the fact that the Donbridge Series is fresh and new and not a mainstream story collection.

Who should read these books in your series 'Donbridge'?
Readers of the series have been young folks as old as 13 years of age and adults up to the age of nearly 100. The books are diverse enough that there is something for everyone in the series including recipes tied to the stories at the end of each book.

What are the conflicts in your stories that makes readers coming back for more?
A major draw to my books is the fact that each story although separate from the rest is tied together and so readers Always ask, "whats going to happen next?"

Which are your top favourite characters in your stories?
I would say my favorite characters in these tales would be the storytelling Grandmother, The Midwife and the Medicine woman. I have had a lot of influencial woman in my life and so their characters were based upon their impressionable characteristics.

How long will this series of stories be? What other awards/recognition did you received?
There will be a total of 9 stories in the Donbridge series and so far, 4 have been published with the 5th book coming out the fall of 2016.

What other awards/recognition did you received?
The series was recognized by the Pulpwood Queen Bookclub of 600 chapters and also was recently used as a teaching tool in Jefferson School District where 100 7th graders have enjoyed reading the series.

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