Be More Social Consulting

Carla Trussell is a serial entrepreneur from Washington, DC Metro Area. She is the owner of Be More Social Consulting and co-owner of Pretty Lady Pole Fit. We have conducted an interview with her.

How did you become a serial entrepreneur?
I was “bitten” by the entrepreneurial bug right after I graduated from college. I knew that I wanted the freedom to choose my own destiny! I started several businesses back then all in an attempt to find a good fit. But of course, as most entrepreneurs will tell you it sometimes takes years and several not-so-successful businesses to finally find the right fit!

What do you think is the most rewarding aspect of being a serial entrepreneur?
Being able to follow my passion is very rewarding. I also enjoy the fact that every day is different and that all of my businesses give me the opportunity to help others.

Your two main businesses are very different. What made you start "Be More Social Consulting"?
As a small business owner, I quickly saw the importance of social media. Social media is such a low cost (sometimes even free) method to build a brand and get a company name and/or product in front of millions of people. I wanted to help other business owners use social media to grow their business.

Why are you so interested in women's fitness?
Women are nurtures by nature. But often women do not take the time to nurture themselves. Working out is just one way a woman can take care of herself. We started Pretty Lady Pole Fit to give women a unique and fun way to stay fit.

Who inspires or influences you the most in your life?
I am most inspired by other successful women. I use to say that one day I will be on Oprah’s couch. Now that she isn’t on the TV daily, there are so many other successful women that inspire and motivate me.

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