Sano Bellezza

Jessica Williams was born and raised in New Jersey. She is a mom, daughter, a friend, a blogger and so many other things and she comes from a Polish background. She started a blog last year called Sano Bellezza. She loves cooking, make up, learning about new things in fitness or meditating and she want to share that with everyone. We have conducted an interview with Jessica.

What kinds of dishes do you feature in your blog?
I have a mix, something for everyone whether it is vegan, comfort foods, foods that I make at home and recipes that I am trying out. I don't pick a specific genre because I love trying new flavors. I love sharing my recipes and hoping someone is enjoying them.

What are your interests other than cooking?
Well, I do love cooking but I also am a girly girl who I love fashion, makeup, I try to keep fit and try different fitness challenges, I love music and movies. When I have time to relax, I enjoy going into New York City because I love close and seeing different sights and trying different experiences. I do collect comic books, so I am also a bit of a comic book nerd.

Which is your favorite quotation in life?
Well, I have to say "Don't Let Anyone Dull Your Sparkle" because I use to live my life by the book and I was afraid of disapproval or going against someone because i did not want to disappoint. I realized that that it was fear that was allowing me to stay in one place and not go after my dreams. I stopped allowing criticism chain me down and I kind of have a "Whatever"attitude about it because I just won't let it stop me.

Where are you originally from and who influences your cooking the most?
Well, I am born and raised in New Jersey but my parents came here when they were young from Poland. I grew up with my grandmother showing us how to make pirogies, stuffed cabbage and many Polish tradition staples. The influences come from my family but also outside sources where I like to try different flavors and see how they work and see if it comes out edible.

What is your personal take on positivity?
I have to say I like to stay as positive as I can in my daily stresses because when I focus on the negative it makes me feel worse. Whether it is my children, work, social, I try to deal with them in the most positive way I can because sometimes they are yesterday's issues and I focus on tomorrow. What really helps me is meditating to clear my mind and train my thoughts to not be negative or bring self doubt. I feel sometimes that I make my own demons take over my mind by giving me fear so I try to clear my mind to refocus so it does not take over me. I really try to "Let it go" and not allow the past control me and I focus on tomorrow's tasks.

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