Karen Hodgson - Earth Rainbow Angel

Karen Hodgson from Brisbane, Australia is an Earth Rainbow Angel, Genius Heartist Wild Kazza and Lifestyle Creator at the Inspired Freedom Energy Design Gallery. We have conducted an interview with her.

How unique are your art?
Wild Kazza has developed a method of applying her Unique Styling to Her Designs. Her Styling is born from meditation to bring you a New and Exciting different Perspective on Art Design.
Wild Kazza is a self-generated genius pushing the boundaries on the leading edge of Art, Business, genius, transformation, consciousness and more. Wild Kazza is well regarded because of using her simple methods in such a way to create her styling by only Meditation,  the best quality pencils on card that bring out Designs that are appealing to the senses and she is regarded as having a very Unusual and Unique Gift.

Why is channelling your clients inner muse your attitude?
Wild Kazza enters in a different dimension to create the 'energy design' to pass the energy on. There is a potential reality that she has been gifted that enables the possibilities of inspiration to be revealed through the designs if one meditates on the canvas and allows it. The experience you may have with the design is unique to you and not available to anyone else.

Wassily Kandinsky (December 16, 1866–December 13, 1944) published Concerning the Spiritual in Art — an exploration of the deepest and most authentic motives for making art, the “internal necessity” that impels artists to create as a spiritual impulse and audiences to admire art as a spiritual hunger.

Wassily Kandinsky wrote – The inner need is built up of three mystical elements:
1. Every artist, as a creator, has something in him which calls for expression (this is the element of personality).
2. Every artist, as child of his age, is impelled to express the spirit of his age (this is the element of style) — dictated by the period and particular country to which the artist belongs (it is doubtful how long the latter distinction will continue to exist).
3. Every artist, as a servant of art, has to help the cause of art (this is the element of pure artistry, which is constant in all ages and among all nationalities).
A full understanding of the first two elements is necessary for a realization of the third.

How do you achieve that attitude?
Wild Kazza experiences many things as she engages with the creative zone and here are some possibilities that she follows. My personal mantra is ‘Acceptance, Allowance and Belief’ and is explained further here far better than I can.
The Artist’s way by Julia Cameron

In order to be Creative, I must: 
1. Show up at every page. Use the page to rest, to dream, to try. 
2. Fill the well by caring for my artist. 
3. Set small and gentle goals and meet them. 
4. Pray for guidance, courage, and humility. 
5. Remember that it is far harder and more painful to be a blocked artist than it is to do the work. 
6. Be alert, always, for the presence of the Great Creator leading and helping my artist. 
7. Choose companions who encourage me to do the work, not just talk about doing the work or why I am not doing the work. 
8. Remember that the Great Creator loves creativity. 

When did you begin the creations at "Inspired Freedom Energy Design Gallery”?
Wild Kazza came to a crossroads in her life about 8 years ago and she chose to explore her need to expand by immerse herself into her creativity on a daily basis.
She has been engaging in the adventure of creativity ever since in The Invisible Worlds of Transformational Playgrounds. These invisible worlds of potential, possibility, genius and consciousness are the playgrounds of transformationalists!  It's where all the great stuff waits for us to pluck it from the field and bring it to life with language, concept and form.
As she is consciously following her heart she is constantly surprised and delighted in so many ways.

What inspires you the most?
Abraham Hicks says this so well!
"When you´ve got some momentum going, so that you are up to speed with those artists, those masters of creation, and you allow yourself to be the receiver of their impulses.

When you allow the great masters to paint THROUGH you, to sculpt through you, to live through you in that moment. And that thrill that you feel, that certainty that you feel, that confidence that you feel, that clarity that you feel-that´s what co-creating with source-energy feels like! And it´s different than saying "Source, help me do this"!

It´s "Source, do this with me!" And we want you to feel the appreciation that source feels in your ALLOWING of the doing! So, don´t misunderstand, we´re with you ALL THE TIME. 
When you have your tools in your hand and allow all of this energy to flow WITH you, to have the experience of the creation WITH you-you see, this is what we meant when we say, "We are all in this together".

Yes, you benefit! Yes, we benefit.
And when you feel that clarity, that´s us, KNOWING!
When you feel that sureness, that´s us - when you feel that joy, that´s us, revelling!
When you feel that enthusiasm, that´s US; you see!
That´s us - meaning, the nonphysical part of you, and ALL OF US, hanging around... You should see the parties we have, when you are in your flow!

Which is your favourite piece?
Wild Kazza says “My paintings are like old friends. They're always there. They're great, they're expressive, they nourish me and they challenge me.”
She also take into account that Meraki is working here: to do something with soul, creativity or love, leaving a piece of yourself in to what you are doing.
She also says “On our journey to reach our dreams we will always get exactly what we need to help us get there if we allow it to happen.”

Who are you reaching out to?
Wild Kazza says “All the designs are spiritual gifts to be savoured as they will if you allow them to will reach out to you and entertain you. Each design will create a mystery especially for you and this mystery is for your eyes only. What you are seeing is there especially for you as the inspired energy released relates to your soul only.” She also says “With a change in attitude Imagination becomes the first step to any kind of change! Welcome to the world of mindfulness and how effective it is to arrive at a deeper understanding and effortless success and as always 'Expect The Unexpected'.

Wild Kazza says “Thank you for taking the time to understand if you allow this experience it will achieve so much for you.”

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