Self Limiting Beliefs: You’re Too Fat, Too Old, Too Broke, Too Ugly

Shane Paul Walker from Colorado is a life coach, author, and motivational speaker. We have conducted an interview with him about his new book: 'Self Limiting Beliefs: You’re Too Fat, Too Old, Too Broke, Too Ugly'.

What do you think are the issues for people with self limiting beliefs?
Beliefs are responsible for where we are in life. If a person is not happy where they are, it is probably due to their limiting beliefs; so people with limiting beliefs have all kinds of issues, so to speak. For example, a person who believes in scarcity will never live an abundant life. A person who believes they are too old for a career change will never go after their dream job. A person who has struggled with their health for most of their life may believe they will never be in great shape. People act or don’t act because of their beliefs, so you can see all the missed opportunities that can arise. Limiting beliefs affect us all but we can overcome them.

How did you come up with the exercises which offered people eye opening moments?
These exercises aren't new. They are well tested and successful exercises that many life coaches use to help their clients overcome self limiting beliefs. As a matter of fact there are lots of different self-assessments that you can find online. The beauty of my book: You're Too Fat, Too Broke, Too Old, Too Ugly - A Guide to Changing Your Beliefs and Changing Your Life, is that I have the most effective exercises and worksheets all in one place.

When did you realize and recognize your personal flaws in thinking?
I've always recognized my own flaws; it’s just that in the past I really didn't know how to overcome them. When I began my personal growth journey, I learned some valuable tools that have changed my life for the better. Now I'm helping others do the same. Looking back, I let my limiting beliefs keep me from many opportunities, both professionally and personally. It's time that I'll never get back. I regret that but I'm just so blessed to be able to move forward and help others as well.

As a motivational speaker, what kind of knowledge and tools do you personally use?
I change things up from time to time depending on what is going on in my life. There are, however, things I do every single day that keep me motivated and positive. Affirmation and visualization for instance. Those are powerful tools that I use that enable me to live the life that I live. There are 10 other important tools and techniques that I use as well. I have a new book coming out soon that will go in depth about what those are. Stay tuned!

Which replacement belief do you think is the most effective to change your life?
Everyone is different and face different circumstances so there is no one replacement belief that is most effective for all. As a life coach, my goal is to help my client identify and change the limiting belief that is going to give them the most success and happiness.

How important do you think change is? How should we embrace it?
Change is hard but it's an important part of personal growth. I preach to my clients all the time about getting out of their comfort zone. In order to grow, you have to be a little bit uncomfortable. Staying “safe”, will get you nowhere. Be brave, and take a step towards your destiny.

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