Nothing Happens Until The Meeting Is Set

We had a talk with John McKee about his newest business book "Nothing Happens Until The Meeting Is Set".

Who or what have you read that has inspired you into writing this book, "Nothing Happens Until the Meeting is Set"?
I was inspired by the Original Shark Tank Kevin Harrington after attending a Think Tank event in Coral Springs, Fla. December 2015. Kevin shared advice on his 5 key steps to become a key influencer. One was to write a book on what you know as your niche. Another step was to read a book called "Key Person of Influence by Kevin Harrington and Daniel Priestly.

Why is the 'meeting' important in your book and which qualities do you want to influence?
The meeting is the client's confirmation of interest. It turns your suspect into a prospect. Without the meeting there is no sale. It is the most important step in selling.

I want to stress the importance of putting consistency into your effort when trying to arrange any meeting. Take the time to do client research, do what you say you will do, and always follow up. No meeting, no sale.

Who do you recommend (should) to read this book?
I recommend any success bound person.

What do you wish to achieve with your book?
First, I want to share my knowledge in an educational way. Second, Be inspiration to others by showing that if I can write a book anyone can. Third, To solidify myself as a Key Person of Influence in Business Development by becoming the best at Connecting People, Businesses and Products by arranged meetings.

As a result of my book. I'm focusing my business "Business453" on starting an Uber/Airbnb of sales meetings. By offering paid sales introduction meetings by representatives from all over the country.

More info:

John Mckee

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