The Open Journal

Tasha S. is an Indian-Thai lifestyle, fashion, beauty and food blogger. She works currently as the social media and marketing assistant of Homes and Living Magazine in Vancouver. We have conducted an interview with her.

What is your writing style? Which kind of tips do you blog about?
I like to keep my writing relatable and honest, with strong traits of my personality to keep it as real as possible! I blog about and give tips about things that I am naturally interested in and passionate about: Food, Beauty, Fashion and things I encounter in my everyday lifestyle.

When did you start Why?
I started this blog about 5 months ago, and mainly because I just enjoy writing and sharing my ideas and thoughts with as many people as I can.

What is your background and how has it help you in these fields like fashion and beauty?
Well, I am currently working as the Marketing assistant and Social Media Coordinator of H&L magazine in Vancouver and I am constantly dealing with all the new trends in these fields, keeping me up to date and well informed. I also have a natural interest in these fields and even in my free time, I find myself checking out whatever is trending.

Which segment in your blog is your favourite? Why?
It is hard for me to choose a favorite per say, I love them all equally! However, I do know that I want to expand my “Closed Journal” section on my blogsite and write more fictional stories in the series I just started because I truly enjoy writing. So hopefully I will get more free time to do that.

How do you wish to enhance and take your blog to the next level in the near future?
I hope to be more adventurous, and try newer things as time goes along. I want to be exposed to and inspired by more activities- hopefully allowing me find more hobbies to get into and be able to share with people through my blogs!

More info at:

Instagram: @theopenjournal
Twitter: theopenjournal_
Pinterest: Theopenjournal
Snapchat: theopenjournal

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