RPRNmag newsmagazine
Anne Howard runs a communications agency ahmarketinggroup.com in San Francisco and she has launched a newsmagazine for the entrepreneurs RPRNmag newsmagazine. We have conducted an interview with her.
Who is RPRNmag for?
RPRNmag newsmagazine’s readership consists of entrepreneurs, business CEOs and startups interested in current business and tech news and tips to better run their company.
What kind of news does it cover?
RPRNmag covers business news in nine topics:
business, technology, crowdfunding,sports, entertainment, lifestyle, environment, public affairs and tourism. We focus on business solutions for entrepreneurship and we also run VIDEO stories.
Which three segments in your newsmagazine are the most popular?
Technology, Crowdfunding, business and sports industry news have attracted a large readership.
Why is it so?
Mostly because we write about current news that is helpful to entrepreneurs. We find stories that others may overlook such as the first social robot, or technology innovations for the tourism industry, business trends in retails, or strong business women in the entertainment industry. Our environmental stories about sustainable business have proven to be immensely popular because they expose business practices that are not only good for business but the society at large.
If it is a technology crowdfunding project, which is the way advertisers are featured?
There are a few options. We may write a balanced featured story, place a banner and/or do a profile on the CEO. We also run extremely active social channels and readers follow RPRNmag on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. All of our fans are genuine and engage with our community.
What emphasis would you make about RPRNmag's coverage of your client's news as a credible source?
We write our material, do the research and conduct careful fact-checking on all stories. We also contact the company’s CEO and collect original quotes. We do not rewrite other outlets stories. Our team of journalists consists of veteran in the media industry who has been published in top-tiers publications in the U.S.
Where is your Rate Card?
Entrepreneurs can find our rate card in our Advertise with Us page on our website and download it from there. https://rprnmag.com/advertise-with-us/. We will also customize our advertising packages to fit a company specific needs.