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Lane Belone has traveled to over 28 countries around the world. He wants to help people experience new things in life. With his wife he plans to move to Panama next year to explore their culture. We have conducted an interview with Lane.

Which is your way to exploration in life?
I live life like a video game. Pushing the limits and boundaries as much as safely possible. Seeing every moment as an adventure, looking for an opportunity to experience something new and different. Be okay with getting a little uncomfortable.

What is your philosophy?
I believe in first identifying what you want in life. And then going after it. Be genuine to yourself and others. Have a thoughtful curiosity about others. Ask people questions.

What do you think is hindering people to experience new things in their lives?
A lack of knowledge. People just need to hear the right information, for them, and they can experience anything they want.

How do you intend to help these people?
By living as an example. By talking with them and identifying what knowledge they need, and letting them know where to find it.

Why did you choose Panama for your next move?

When was the first time you discover your love for travel?
Summer 2006. When I went on a Eurotrip with my grandma. I still cherish that trip to this day.

Which other countries/cities/places would you like to explore in the next 5 years?
Thailand, Machu Pichu, Argentina, Japan, USA

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