Interview with actress Latice Gaines

Latice Gaines has been a theater actress since the age of 12. She is from St. Louis, MO and is currently residing in Houston, TX. Acting is her first love and she is currently working on writing her first book. We have conducted an interview with her.

What is in acting that you like so much?
Acting is very therapeutic for me and it also allows me to understand human behavior without so much judgement.

When was the first time you perform/acted? What was your role?
I was 12 yrs. old when I first started acting at the St. Louis Black Repertory Theater and it was where I knew I belonged. The play was about the transition from slavery to where we are as a people now. I can remember when I was portraying one of the slaves on the slave ship and that "thing" that comes over an actor when they are acting their ass off came over me as I said my lines. I'll never forget that!

What is your first book about?
My book is focusing on the psyche of today's black woman.

Latice Gaines
Who are the main characters in your story? Why did you choose them?
The main characters are people that I've known and myself. I chose to write about them because some of their stories have made national news and their stories resonate with so many black women around the country.

How do you plan to attain your goals and mission to end hunger, lupus and racism with your artistic talents and skills?
Fame and fortune is utterly pointless if you're not using your resources to better this world. Right now I'm a hunger advocate and I'm also a member & supporter of the Lupus Foundation. I was homeless before, so I don't want anyone to be homeless or hungry. Lupus killed one of my best friends, so I don't want lupus to kill anyone else. I want to bring an awareness that will cause change.

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