Awakening the Goddess

Ms. Kija Manhare is a Graduate Student pursuing an MA Degree in Yoga Studies at Loyola Marymount University. As her Graduate Thesis she is doing a film entitled "Awakening the Goddess", a documentary that explores the awakening of the dormant spiritual energy within every human being known as Kundalini. We have conducted an interview with her.

What is your documentary film ''Awakening the Goddess'' about?
This documentary is for my Graduate Thesis in Yoga Studies at Loyola Marymount University. It is about a particular type of Yoga known as Kundalini Yoga. Kundalini is the universal energy that lives inside every human being. This energy is dormant until awakened, and once awakened it is a powerful force for evolutionary change within each individual, and I believe eventually on a global scale. The film explores what Kundalini energy is, how it is awakened, and why you would want to awaken it.

Where did you draw your inspirations for this story?
The inspiration for this documentary comes from several places but a big part comes from the fact my Kundalini was awakened not long after high school and this totally changed the course of my life. So I draw from this experience.

I also draw inspiration from my studies at LMU in the Yoga Studies program, and all the amazing people that are taking part and being interviewed in the film: Jim Mallinson, Sally Kempton, Lawrence Edwards, Chris Chapple, Anandi Ma and Dileepji to name a few.

How long did you take to storyboard it?
Though I didn’t storyboard it, I did write an outline and a treatment and this took several months.

Why /When do you plan to launch a Kickstarter campaign on it?
Our KickStarter campaign will Launch on May 17, 2016. Although I’ve shot several of the interviews, we still need to raise money to shoot more interviews and also to properly finish the film in postproduction with professional editing and music.

Here’s our facebook and twitter info:

Twitter: @ATGTheMovie

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