3rdeye Brand

Today our guest is Jean Fredeling, Clothing Designer from NYC Brooklyn. He creates contemporary casual wear for both men and women mixed with an abstract feel. We have conducted an interview with him.

What inspired you into design of contemporary casual wear?
I always like simple. Simple in a sense that speaks in volumes that The reason if you notice a easy going feel and with is our casual is The thought if wearing 1 pièce through out The DAY ) Each design from 3rdeye Brand you notice there a clash of colors creating an abstraction expression leading a tone of desirable detail.

Which is your style of clothing and what is your philosophy?
My philosophy is récognition ,réputation then respect and all else follows These 3 consistant levels of reactions I believe will determine your reach in progress with just about anything you put your mind to.

Where are your originally from?
I'm from NYC Brooklyn.

Jean Fredeling
What kind of art do you consider the most unique and fashionable?
The kind of art would have to be abstract with optical illusion.

Which is the one thing you would add to the fashion industry?
the one thing I could add is an opportunity outlet toward the urban male and casual women is expressing artistic awareness because we believe at heart we are all artist we just somtimes need a reminder through our everyday experiences and that is what 3rdeye Brand enables, that through the sense of fashion.

More info at:

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/3rdeyebrand
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/the3rdeyebrand

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