Interview with Svetoslav Dimitrov

Our guest today is Svetoslav Dimitrov from Sofia, Bulgaria. Lately, his interests have been revolving around creative content and copywriting. That is how he created his blog in September 2015. We have conducted an interview with him.

How long have you been in the content creation business?
Professionally – around 9 months, but technically much longer since I started creating my own articles with the intention to unite them in a blog more than 2 years ago.

Which is the most creative content services you have seen so far?
Last week, I came across a blog which was written in an immaculate language and incorporated fairytale techniques which kept the suspense until the end of the article. I really liked and enjoyed that approach.

For copywriting work, what kind of 'voice' do you prefer to use?
I prefer to be neutral all the times when writing copy for clients unless instructed otherwise. For my travel stories, I resort to “we and I” as they are pieces of personal experience. When I write about “Motivation & Success”, to better convey my message I use the personal pronoun “you” followed by “must”, “should”, etc.

Which sectors do you write for? How did it start?
At the moment, I am copywriting in the spheres of online trading, health and motivation, cyber security, entrepreneurship, and travelling.

Do you also write for landing pages that requires SEO content writing?
At the moment – no – but I plan to include to include in the foreseeable future.

How do you assure your clients/customers about ''GOOGLE’S HUMMINGBIRD, PANDA AND PENGUIN"?
I write the articles for my clients after an extensive research has been carried out. In addition, I use programs to ensure that the text is at least 90% unique (for SEO reasons) and I connect the articles with links only from trustworthy sites. Lastly, I always strive to make my creations have an added value for the people that are going to read them.

What is interesting about writing on “Motivation & Success"?
Writing about “Motivation & Success” is quite a challenge since people are motivated by various things and they measure their success differently. That is why I try to be as flexible as possible and always include ideas from my personal experience usually accompanied by photos.

Do you use a 'quotes'? Why/why not?
Quotes are a tricky business especially when aiming at the highest levels of uniqueness of an article. Therefore, I try to stay away from quotes and I usually include them when they really make a text deliver its message in a more convincing way.

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