CrossFit Sewell

When creating CrossFit Sewell, Tom and Dan had successful systems in place from previous fitness start-ups included everything from the business side, (payroll, legal advice, point of sale, networking, pre-designed guerrilla marketing campaigns, customer service techniques, on-boarding of staff), to expertise on Fitness (programs, best practices, workout design, nutrition, health and exercise science degrees), and thusly the gym opened its doors. We have conducted an interview with them.

CrossFit Sewell

What is the size of your gym and what is the maximum capacity? What kind of fitness equipment can user expect to find at CrossFit Sewell?
Our CrossFit box was designed to be the ultimate “Garage Gym”. With approximately 2,000Sq feet of Olympic barbells, squat stands, Concept 2 rowers, bumper plates, kettle bells, rope climbs to the 25 feet ceiling, Olympic rings, wall mounted pull-up bars, speed ropes, battle ropes, dumbbell racks, huge tires to flip & hit with sledge hammers, floors designed to drop weights and most important of all knowledgeable coaches to teach you how to properly use the equipment!

What were the challenges to run CrossFit Sewell gym business in terms of staffing and human resourcing?
As a Fitness Center we tend to be busier when people are not working. Our staff has to be able to work the early morning hours, late evening hours and weekends. This can be a challenge when operating 7 days per week. Marketing also has to be tackled in a peculiar way balancing between current trends and easy-to-interact material creates good storytelling, for example our Member of the Month.

How do you resolve the issue when your gym users injure himself/herself while using the facilities?
Our staff is highly trained, certified, educated & experienced. We are able to offer modifications & variations of all forms of exercise & movements. This allows us to be prepared & able to welcome all walks of life!

What is the operational hours of your gym? Are you planning to expand your gym business? If yes, in what form?
We offer classes 6am – 9am and 5:30pm Monday through Friday; 4:30pm Wednesday and Friday, and 6:30pm Monday through Thursday. We also have Saturday and Sunday classes. When classes are not in session we run private training sessions with small groups. This allows us to maintain our ‘open door’ philosophy as a Gym.

We are all about creating a community of members who all have the same interest in mind, which is getting results while enjoying the process of progressing through programs. When you join CrossFit Sewell, you are joining a family! Our main goal is to keep this sense of community as one of the key ingredients for ever lasting results.

At this time, we plan on continuing to offer the same service line: CrossFit, Olympic Weightlifting, Sports Training & Personal Training. Our goal is to create the best team to offer services Monday through Sunday 10 or more hours per day.

We work with people every day have very specific goals. Once you have a client hit this specific goal it means the world to them. To know that you are part of it as a coach, trainer or business owner is a very rewarding feeling.

This is what makes the business of fitness meaningful and worth pursuing!

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