Best mind. Body. Spirit. Life is a motivational blog and podcast. The writers are from New Jersey, who run a medical practice and always looking to try to motivate and inspire people. We have conducted an interview with them.

What makes you think 'I can't' is the most disabling mindset ever?
“I can’t” sets you up for failure before you even try to do something. You’re basically saying “I don’t believe in myself.” We are capable of so much as people and many of us unfortunately never live up to our full potential. The only reason we do not? Because of the “I can’t” mindset.

How do you think people can change it?
By changing “I can’t” to “I can.” Sounds pretty simple right? We’ve found that it is one of the most difficult things for people to do. It has to start with a willingness to change and grow as a person, as well as developing a “must” attitude toward achieving what is important to you in life. People have big dreams and aspirations and get easily discouraged by the amount of work it takes to get there or the bumps along the road. Changing the negative mindset can start with you saying “Enough is enough,” not making any more excuses, and setting small, realistic goals that work towards your big goals.

How did it occur for you and Dr. Buckman to do this motivational blog together?
It was evident from the day Dr. Buckman and I started working together that we were very like-minded people. We are both extremely motivated and hard-working individuals who will do whatever it takes to get a job done. This often means working 50-60 hour weeks at a high level, never taking shortcuts, and being able to stay positive throughout. We found that we work very well together and developed a so-called 1+1=3 chemistry, so we decided to start the podcast in April to share our ideas with the world.

What are some of your preliminary ideas?
Our goal with the blog is to develop a large reader base, which will translate over to the podcast so we can reach as many people as possible. We want to be able to share our thoughts, ideas, and interviews with people all over the world. We want to get feedback from readers and listeners and hear their stories and see how we can help them. Eventually, we will be doing some motivational speaking, life coaching, and trying to make a difference in the world, one person at a time.

Which are the key topics you will speak about in the podcasts?
We will speak about a fully balanced approach to success – from mastering the mind to developing a healthy body, to having a spiritual (not to be confused with religious) understanding of the world and universe around you. We will be interviewing community leaders, motivational speakers, doctors, coaches, and anyone who has goals and visions similar to ours.

Who are they for?
These podcasts will be for anyone looking to truly grow as a person and be willing to do so. They will be for people looking for advice or ways to figure out specific aspects of their life. We do not focus on a specific idea or way of thinking, because we believe personal growth can only be achieved with a growth mindset in all aspects of life.

What is your profession, and how does your work inspire you on a daily basis?
I am the business and marketing manager for a few medical offices. We have a product coming out soon that may revolutionize how young athletes train and prepare to help them reduce injuries and improve overall performance. We also plan on doing more sports performance based programs in the near future to help the entire spectrum of the population – from those recovering from injuries or surgeries to those looking to perform at the highest levels in sports. This field has always been a passion of mine and I have been to work for people who have the same vision and have allowed for my personal growth within the businesses.

Dr. Buckman is a Doctor of Physical Therapy who has worked with the San Francisco Giants. His work always inspires him because he can see the results people are getting from what he does with them on a regular basis with physical therapy. He derives his inspiration not only on the mental aspect but also on the physical side. By working with patients of all ages and skill levels, from young children all the way up to professional athletes, he is able to figure out different ways to motivate and inspire people based on their needs and wants, which I feel is an extremely important aspect of what we are doing. Everyone has different ways of getting motivated and it is truly about figuring out how to find what those things are and then using them to your advantage to get the job done.

Which lifestyle/habits do you recommend for people to take on and cultivate for a good quality of life?
For a truly good quality of life, people must first determine what that actually means for them. What is it that you truly want in your life? And secondly, but just as importantly, why do you actually want it? This takes time and daily introspection and really digging deep to find it. But once you know it, you develop an “I must” attitude towards getting there and achieving it. If “I can’t” is the most disabling mindset, “I can” is the most empowering one.

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