SerCle is a new startup in San Francisco Bay Area disrupting the Professional Services world left behind by the world of Uber, Airbnb, Yelp, Google. It offers one stop shop for all your Home & Office Services all rolled into one. We have conducted an interview with them.

Which is the most important aspect of SerCle services' features for users nowadays? How do you help your clients?
SerCle is all about communication, customer service, and service provider needs. All other service platforms focus entirely on either the service provider, or the user, we meet the needs of both. Sercle is a place where you can start a business and watch it grow, as well as pick a service you need at any time. One of our key features is direct communication between service providers and users. You can send a text through SerCle to any service provider, ask them questions, send them pictures, get quotes and appointment times. The second key feature is booking. Once you've chosen the best provider for you, book an appointment directly with them through SerCle, add it to your calendar, and manage future booking dates. As a service provider you build your own profile on SerCle, talk directly to any client, and have access to your own appointment calendar with all the information about your client you could possibly need.
How do you help to bring the best and favourite services together to make that special day even more perfect? How different is it when someone order a service through your platform as compared to ordering the same service on their own directly?
We at SerCle believe that the true test and trial to knowing if a service business is a good service business is NOT how many new customers they have or how much money they make, its how happy they make their customers. Customer retention is the mark of success in the service industry; if your customers come back you make more money, get better reviews, and your business grows. We have a top quality CRM system that helps service providers keep in touch with all their customers, new and old. With SerCle and all the features that are available to you like direct communication with customers, a CRM system that makes sure everyone stays in touch, an appointment system, and a top tier profile, you can focus on what is most important: giving the best quality service. We make sure that only the best service providers are on SerCle by checking some key qualities any good service industry business should have. We check how often they communicate with their customers, how high their retention is, and how good their reviews are. Since SerCle is not just another listing site with nothing but phone numbers, finding a service through SerCle is easy. Instead of browsing through a list of services, calling up one at a time, or clicking through different links to different sites, everything is given to you in one place. And since the actual businesses make and maintain their own profiles on sercle, you know that all the information is correct, up to date, and honest. With SerCle everything happens in one place, finding any service you need, narrowing down your choices with direct communication and accurate information, booking appoints, and reviews.
Who is/are the founder(s) of this startup?
Jimmy M. is our CEO at SerCle. He has a background in engineering but has spent the last 20 years in his life in the service industry. He's started a number of small businesses in just about every service job you can think of. This perfect mix of both software engineering education with real service industry experience has created the beautiful product we have today. He not only works software beautiful, he knows how the service industry works, the problems it faces, and how to overcome all those obstacles.
Which group of target audience are the most suited to use your platform?
Everyone needs a service done. From getting your haircut and fixing your plumbing to finding a lawyer or planning an event. If you need a service done, you need SerCle. Its completely free to use SerCle as either a service provider or a user. And since everything is in one place (services, promotions, phone numbers, store hours, pictures, reviews, sites, addresses and directions, direct messaging, appointment and booking schedules) there's no need to call up one company at a time or click from one site to the next. On the business end, anyone can be a service provider. Whether to cut hair in your living room or at a five star salon, as long as you have a service talent or business you can be on SerCle. most service industry businesses are ten employees or less, and they are our target as far as finding the best services to put on SerCle.
Which are the bestselling services on your platform currently?
We have 27 different categories of services on SerCle, but not everyone needs a lawyer or a plumber every single day. Our most popular category is beauty and wellness. We have a number of top quality hair stylists, massage therapists, facial therapists, and natural remedy specialists on SerCle.