Growth hacking

Rafi Chowdhury is the founder & CEO of Chowdhury’s Digital, co-founder of myCampusHacks, and is an experienced digital marketing consultant based in Los Angeles, California. We have conducted an interview with him.

What is the most amazing truth about growth hacking?
That it can be so cheaply and efficiently! Most people think of growth hacking as a very expensive and time-consuming investment, when it reality, it’s not. Growth hacking is all about being efficient and doing less to get more results out of the marketing plan for any business.

How do you explain in simple terms what is 'Growth Engineering'?
Growth engineering is the fully elevated form of growth hacking that focuses on a completely improvised growth strategy. It is more of a way to describe the clever ways of solving problems and boosting the growth of a venture. Or, we can also say that it is an improved form of growth hacking itself. For a more in-depth explanation, check out this article.

If someone would like to learn more about personal branding, what is your first and foremost advice?
Follow some of the best personal branding examples which are out there right now. A few in my industry that come to mind would be: Tim Ferris, Neil Patel, Rand Fishkin, Matt Cutts, and Brian Dean.

Then, I would read a few blogs and watch some videos to get a better understanding. After that, the best thing to do is to get started branding yourself. There is no better way to learn this stuff than to simply try it and see what works and what does not. Through a/b testing, I learned a lot of the online marketing I know today.

In this digital era, what kind of growth marketing strategy should an educational technology business take?
I would focus heavily on things like guest posting, trying to get a hold of a giant email list and emailing those relevant potential leads, getting featured on tech blogs, getting endorsements from industry Experts, and paid campaigns if it makes sense. This article should explain more:

How do you start developing a prospective client’s growth hacking plan? What are the fundamental steps?
Most of our clients typically already know what area of their business they are struggling with and come to me looking for a solution. My team and I get together and analyze their business and the problem and come up with a custom solution for that problem. We take into account things such as their PPC budget, LVC, CPC on certain keywords, ROI, average client size (in terms of marketing dollars spent), current strategies, and their overall plan for growth.

Our strategies vary so greatly from client to client, it’s very difficult to have any sort of specific approach to growth hacking. By definition, growth hacking involves coming up with unique ways to grow a business that competitors are not using. So, almost all solutions we provide to our clients is custom tailored to their specific business and their specific needs. But all begins with first conducting a thorough audit of their business and current growth strategies and evaluation to see if it’s working or not. Then, we step in from there and apply our expertise to get things done!

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