The Adventures of Papa Lemon's Little Wanderers

Lehman Riley is a children's book author from Minneapolis, MN. He has written a series book titled "The Adventures of Papa Lemon's Little Wanderers". We have conducted an interview with him.

How long have you been a children's book author and what drawn you to this profession?
23 yrs as an author. When I was a child in elementary school I enjoyed history, but I wanted to experience it my way. Not the way I was being taught. It needed to be fun, and with characters that looked like me. Little did I know this was my assignment in life.

What were the most memorable twists or turns while you were writing the book series? What have you learnt?
Traveling across the country was great & working in classrooms sharing my story with children. I couldn't ask for a better job.

How kids see themselves with my characters & the kids learn the importance of their family history.

In your children's book series "The Adventures of Papa Lemon's Little Wanderers", are your stories based on your real personal experiences? Which is your favourite period which you've travelled back in time during the writing?
I'm keeping my grandfather's legacy alive with historical facts. My favorite adventure is World War 2. It's our greatest generation, the sacrifices that were made.

As you have already written 6 books on the character Papa Lemon who is close to you like your grandfather, what is the importance of grand-parenting in your opinion?
I can't answer as a grandparent since I'm not one yet, but as my memories as a grandchild. It's little things like playing checkers, having talks while drinking sodas, making me feel like I was the most important at that moment. That's what I remember about my grandfather.

With the magical train that goes back in time (will you write a "forward in time") futuristic series in the near future? Why/or why not
No plans for future time travel. There is so much history that is not being touched on in classrooms, the kids need to hear about the uncommon names in history, that's what make my stories unique & fun.

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