Interview with S. W. Frank

S.W. Frank is a native New Yorker. A Former FDNY-EMT and writer the law school journey during a stint in law school, the novelist decided to pursue writing full-time. Growing up in a musical and artistic home, those influences remain palpable in the author's library of works. Listed in The Guardian's 2013 article, 'The Gems of Indie Publishing.' The author states, "I had to admit publicly, my long standing affair with writing." We have conducted an interview with her.

As a former FDNY Emergency Medical Services, during which time you've received numerous commendations, which is the most mysterious thing that ever happened to you? 
The most mysterious thing that I encountered as a member of the NYC Emergency Services, is perhaps not unusual in the profession. There have been cases where a patient has trauma, yet no recollection of how the injury occurred. But, in the emergency medical field, my job was stabilization of the patient.

Which is your top 3 favourite characters in your published books so far? 
All of the characters I write have a special place in my heart. My favorites would certainly be the characters overcoming the most difficult of obstacles. If I were to pick any, it would be the couples in Missing Person, The Sisters of Cain and Abel and Alfonzo.

What keeps you in such a long standing affair with writing? 
My affair with writing began during childhood. The imaginative license a creator of fiction can have is endless. The dedication I have derives from a passionate innate source that anyone in love with their vocation understands.

You're known for being 'bold and unapologetic' in your delivery, how does this style leads you and inspires you further to future writings and development of the characters in your new stories? 
Writing is an explorative undertaking for me as well. I develop the characters and I take risks. I break the formulaic standards to impart a more realistic protagonist. People are complex and I attempt to portray various perspectives. I can only hope the reader finds them relatable. There is a diversity of thought and cultures. I reflect that as well in my books amid the drama.

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