Interview with Liane Moonraven

Tonight our guest is Liane Moonraven, Writer/Producer of Moonraven Films, LLC the creator of The Carmen Online Theater Group. We have conducted an interview with her.

What leads you to become a writer and how different is being a producer, telling a same story?
I have enjoyed writing stories since I was old enough to hold a pen. I grew up before the Internet so as a kid and teenager, I had worldwide pen pals back then. Yup, we actually wrote and paid postage to mail letters. Lol, I wrote stories for school projects and extra credit and my teachers encouraged me. When I went to college I noticed I always got A’s on my papers. A few years ago I joined some writers’ groups and that’s when the real valuable learning came. I learned to write drabbles (precision writing) and started role play writing with a group of amazing writers. I did that for years. Then my mentor, a Hollywood producer and director, took me under his wing and taught me how to write scripts. All of that combined has been invaluable learning and would have cost thousands of dollars had I not gained it through colleagues.

As for being a Producer, I am able to pull on my other abilities including organization and planning – basically being anal. Lol,  I get to organize, plan and execute a project from concept, development, pre-production, production, post production, distribution and marketing. I love putting the pieces together and celebrating the success of the end product. What was that? Control freak? Me??? Noooooo, of course not!! Lol

How would you describe one of your favourite scene in one short paragraph?
Wow. There are so many. In my feature film, Achilles, I’d say it would be when Achilles exacts his revenge on the person who betrayed him. That is a very intense scene that took a lot of planning and execution. It’s WILD!

As for The Burbs, the scene in Season 2, Episode 3 when Maria Sanchez, the neighbor, comes by to introduce herself is my favorite. After the scene was put together with the sound effects and mix mastering, it actually scared me. Creepy stuff. And remember, The Burbs is based on true events. Some of it comes back to me jarringly so when I hear it performed.

Who inspired you to write your very first novel?
Brahm Stoker (Dracula) is brilliant. I mean, just brilliant. I love reading that novel and I still read it over and over just to feel the flow of his words and experience the descriptions in his writing. Stephen King is who introduced me to horror and I fell in love with his writing, including those he wrote as Richard Bachman in the Bachman Books. I used to think “My gosh, what kind of person writes this stuff. Better yet, who sleeps next to the person who writes this kind of stuff??” Lol … and here I am now writing horror myself even though my first novel was not horror. I started out writing romance/erotica. My first novel is a historical fiction based on King Arthur.

How does the writing groups online help you along your journey?
I credit role-play writing solely for developing me and preparing me to write scripts. The experiences in those groups are invaluable – no price tag could possibly do it justice. I learned impromptu writing, precision writing (how to say 1000 words in 15 words), character development, plot development, descriptive writing, increased vocabulary – wow – SO much education in those groups that got me where I am now. I wrote with some amazingly talented people including, if I may mention a few, Cathy Helms, Melissa Gardiner (formerly Roybal), Charlotte Todd, Nicole Brooks, Daniela Papke, Dawn McQueen Mortimer, Nadin Pusch, Patricia Stanley, Shannon Johnson, Kay Lesser, Amanda Martin, Amanda Arnold, Kate Worth and Bryden Lloyd. I hope I didn’t forget anyone. These writers are amazing and I thank them.

As a role-play writer, what is the most challenging aspect about crafting a mysterious fictional character?
It may be challenging, but not too hard or difficult. You have to step outside of yourself and what YOU would do in any given situation, get to know who the character is and what THEY would do. To help with that, you must also learn the other characters involved in the storyline/plot and get to know their personalities as well which will help you create and develop responses from your own character and how they respond to certain things and situations. Most role-play moderators allow you to “own” your own character in an original series. However if you are role-playing in an already existing series, then you must learn your character as it is originally portrayed and master its characteristics and personality as the original writer wrote him/her.

Which is the creative content that you considered to be the most accomplished?
My current project, The Burbs, is an original radio theater horror series which airs every Thursday at 10pm/ET on I have an extremely talented cast and the world renowned composer, the amazing, Nathan McCree (Tomb Raider/Lara Croft soundtrack), as my Co-producer. He is also the Audio Manager and narrator. The Burbs is enjoyed amazing success as we are wrapping up our second season. Each episode is a story-packed 10-minute morsel of original horror/ghost story telling. There are six episodes in each season, rounding each season off at about 60 minutes. In between season we also air original short horror stories and remade, revamped, modernized horror stories from the 40’s. The Burbs airs every Thursday at 10pm/ET. 

For more information about me, the show or the cast, please visit: or our Facebook page:

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