Who Is Dan Anton – Entrepreneur & SEO “800lb” Gorilla

Our guest today is Dan Anton. Before we get into the interview I would like to thank Mr. Anton for his service in the United States military. Dan Anton is a retired Infantry Ranger Major; his credentials include two bronze stars, air-borne Ranger certified, and a two-time Iraqi war veteran in combat.

Dan, tell us what interests you the most currently

Creating has always been what I’m passionate about, whether it’s a new approach to an old solution, developing software to eliminate inefficiencies, or scalability problems. Because internet traffic is primarily done through the search engines, SEO is still my biggest passion, but I also enjoy seizing opportunities and seeing patterns. In my spare time I developed a strategy for day trading with a high success rate, in an industry riddled with volatility. I’ve made money with fantasy sports, real estate, and traditional stock investments. Being financially secure has enabled me to give back and help others in my tribe, which is the online marketing community, more specifically SEOers. I’m able to invest large sums of money into projects (which would scare off most developers or startups), testing and research for search engine marketing purposes.

Wow, okay so you personally make money in other areas, but is SEO still part of the future?

We’ve been doing this since 2006, and every year someone claims SEO is dead, or not has lucrative. The reality is Google, Yahoo, Bing, Youtube and other search engines leverage an inordinate amount of data. While search may change, the principle remains the same, how do the search engines make sense of all these data, and cut through the noise? The answer is some form of optimization of data. This means business owners will always need leads and a way to differentiate themselves from the competition. In short, SEO will mostly be around much longer than you or I, unless the singularity is truly near.

Why SEO Software? Do you have a large team working with you?

I wanted to utilize my computer science degree and began learning more advanced coding. As one person I knew I had to hire the best, and that’s what we’ve done. We have team developers that have been with us from the start. They are brilliant and we are able to collaborate efficiently. The reason for software solutions is because human labor can become expensive, but more importantly it can become redundant. Humans are very intelligent and we don’t need them to do mindless tasks. Their labor and thought process is better suited to plan a strategy versus executing the details. SEO software has enabled us to scale to hundreds of thousands of clients every month. Ironically our largest project, Crowd Search combines human labor and software. So yes, we have inhouse consultants, experts, coders, project managers, but we rely on our technology advantage and heavy investment in infrastructure to service clients at scale with low pricing and most importantly, results.

Can business owners contact you?

Yes, while we have a wholesale side of our business, we now have Atlanta SEO, which is a client facing SEO company I founded when living in Atlanta Georgia. Here you will either be able to talk to myself, Matt Anton, or one of our team members. We work with some affluent individuals and fortune 100 companies. I’m happy to say many CEO’s have become friends of mine over the years. When doing business with someone you are choosing to advance yourself and them in the process. This is the basis of everything we do, mutual benefit. Thank you Dan Anton for your time today. Here are the company details below: 

772 Barnett St NE Atlanta, GA 30306 
(706) 225-9394

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