Femmetamorphosis - interview with Sharron Spice

Today our guest is Sharron Spice who is an actress and writer based in London, UK. She wrote her play called Femmetamorphosis and it is toured in London, Scotland at the Edinburgh festival and Enfield.
What was the most challenging about your role that you have acted for the play Femmetamorphosis?
Playing my character Yazzmen in Femmetamorphosis is challenging as she is very brash, loud and would be classed socially as common. She is also overconfident and does not care what people think about her. She is so extreme and I am the total opposite but shes is lovely to play.

For biography writing, what are you currently writing about and why did you choose to write it?
My biography Kruella is based on my childhood growing up in an area of north london which had alot of social problems. Also the neglect and abuse I suffered from my mother into my teens and how I have managed with great adversity on many different levels to overcome and achieve. The process has been a healing cathartic relief and its importance to raise awareness of abuse, which can have a long lasting effect late into adulthood and that you can go on and do great things.

What are your other talents and which would you mention as the past 3 most memorable performing experiences?
I work with young people as a youth worker anda mentor using beauty and drama to engage with young women on how to look after, value and respect yourself. One of my highlights has got to be taking my play to Edinburgh Fringe Festival this year and performing, it was amazing and the city is beautiful especially the architecture and history. I performed in Dialogues of Carmelites at the royal opera house in Covent Garden, London which was fantastic. My first school play where I was the lead and realised that I wanted to pursue a career as an actress.

Did you imagine yourself to be a dancer, actress or model when you were a child? What was your ambition?
As a child I loved watching television musicals and always had aspirations to be a actress, dancer or an athlete. I excelled in these activities but due to lack of money and opportunity I never thought it achievable.

Who do you wish to co-star with, if you could freely choose to act in a film about dancing? Why did you choose him/her?
This is a very hard question which I cannot answer as there are so many great actors past and present, I respect their individuality, craft, journey, resilence and hardworking ethic in such a tough over subscribed industry.

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