Our guest is Chorrie tonight who developed a new business from South Africa. The vehicle that takes your business to the internet
Who are the most suitable people to use your services in your new business to be launched in South Africa?
We really aim to be a very convenient, highly affordable turbo boost to small and medium business who would usually never be able to afford proper marketing tools.
What inspires you the name of your business 'Chorrie'? Why did you choose a "small car" as the symbol?
Chorrie is an endearing term that South Africans use to describe a small, cheap car. That first ugly old car you got as a kid would be called your ‘Chorrie’.
We wanted a name and brand that would lift the intimidation of large scale business off our model.
Servicing the amount of clients that we do could position us as a cold corporate machine so we made sure that everything about us – our name, brand, modus operandi keeps us accessible and easy to work with to the guy who just started his business.
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, how do you rank your company in terms of 'Client-centricity'? How do you show or prove that?
I would say a 10 or very close to it.
Every director in our company is involved in some form of economic development or the other. We started the company as a vehicle to help small businesses in very poor areas get off the ground.
Our passion is to get rid of poverty so our business model is basically a physical manifestation of that desire.
Which is your most popular package? What does it consist of?
We call it the ‘Chorrie sub’ – it is extremely affordable and empowers businesses to share products online in mere seconds. The big attraction is that every product uploaded to our online app looks very attractive to Google search optimization parameters.
How would you explain about how your business works in 3-5 sentences?
We show you our video.You get excited.
You sign up.We get excited.
You start using our app to share your products with the world!
We all get excited!
We absolutely LOVE it when small business succeeds! It changes nations!