Interview with Jackson Novem

We have conducted a short interview with the songwriter and singer Jackson Novem.

What inspires you to produce songs like 'Slaughterhouse' and "Tears of Gold"?
Well, after my first album, Trans-Suburban Fantasy, I really wanted to focus on a new sound, something that mixed the genres of rock music,hip-hop, pop in a way that I had never heard before. I wanted to make something fresh, something unique.

How do you describe the genre of the songs you've made so far?
Well really right now I'm interested in mixing genres. I've always been inspired by rock music; my father used to play the classic rock radio station on long car drives. And I love hip-hop and the beats associated with it. Its very inspiring.

What do you love most about songwriting?
What I really love about songwriting is that I'm able to express how I'm feeling at a certain moment, and tell my story. Writing is really therapeutic for me in that way.

Since when did you discover your talents in music production and songwriting?
Well, I started writing songs when I was nine, and I started producing music in 2012 when I received an iPad for my birthday.

If you can choose to collaborate with one of the musician on the Top 100 chart today, who would you choose and why?
I'd really love to collaborate with Melanie Martinez, I love her voice and her lyrics. She's really inspiring.

Where can our readers find your upcoming release 'White Noise' when it drops on November 6th?
You'll be able to find the album on all major online retailers including iTunes, Google Play, and Amazon Music.

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