The Boom Boom Girls of Wrestling

THE BOOM BOOM GIRLS OF WRESTLING is a Sports drama/ thriller about 6 female wrestlers in a Ghost town. We have conducted a short interview with the producer Ursel & Carolin

What do you think are the 3 key assets/strengths in this thriller "Boom Boom Girls" movie?
  • Unexpected humorous, terrific quotes and cult appeal 
  • Female strength and diametrical behavior regarding man / woman encounter 
  • Fantastic aerial shots regardless our budget of 5K 
Main official trailer 

Besides the budget, why did you choose a Ghost Town? 
  • It is never the budget what let us decide which location would be the best AND because it is inspired by a true event. We always knew it has to be a Ghost Town. 
  • Carolin : I myself lived a Life as a female wrestler in Los Angeles, I did the whole wrestling shebang, training so hard I couldn’t move a finger and having bruises.I was having a cold for three days including high fever so I wasn’t able to walk let alone to train that hard. Since that day they never talk to me, nor they paid me anything. Even my so-called friends there didn’t call nor letting me know, that they were leaving for Las Vegas to their first Live Show. I was so disappointed that I sulkily thought: I wish that the bus breaks down and they all stuck in the middle of the Desert in a Ghost Town.There it was! I thought Carolin THIS is it! This is an awesome idea for my next movie..and there it was! “The Boom Boom Girls of Wrestling” were born. 

The previous movie Testing Life directed by Carolin von Petzholdt is a great precedent and very well received. Does the current Boom Boom Girls movie has some kind of link to it? 
  • Yes to some extent. We always wanted to shot a complete different genre, which might be more entertaining, more “Popcorn” theater. With Boom Boom Girls we aimed for a suspense thriller that will keep the audience at the edge of it's seats. It end up being a slight horror which was much more better and more compelling than what we first planned. This Movie is so unique that we expect to make enough revenue for our sequel to Testing Life 1 - "Testing Life 2" is in the work for 2016. 

As the producers, how different were the challenges for the six different key female casts? Which is one of the most memorable moments? 
  • Regarding the training sequences, our Girls had all hilarious fun while filming in the ring. It was always a pleasure to watch them. Melissa R Stubbs (she plays “Darlene”) and Chrystal Santos (she plays “Lisa”) - both are professional Stunt Women in Hollywood - both of them had been very supportive and helpful , they coordinate all the stunts and make sure that nobody was harmed in any way. I want to underline the very good work of Carolin, she was the one who choreographed the whole wrestling moves AND acted as well astonishingly. The whole process was amazing.The first time the Girls step into the ring they naturally transform into their wrestling character. It was a pleasure watching them work and train. This was for me the most memorable moment. 

If you could do it over again, what do you wish you had from the beginning in place? 
  • A bigger Budget = more people = food caterer = more time 

If our readers would like to support your project, where can they find you? How can they contribute?
  • We are currently running a Kickstarter campaign which is very important for us. We would like people to be part of our journey and contribute into our campaign. We have great rewards awaiting for everyone. Our wish is to distribute this movie nationwide and get it into the theaters. We have already started to work on Testing Life 2.

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