Tasha Castagna from Clayton, Ca. is a professional makeup artist and skin care developer. A beauty lover, blogger, Youtuber and author. We have conducted a short interview with her.

What have you accomplished so far as a Skin Care line developer? 
I've accomplished what I thought to be the Impossible! Clear Beautiful Skin for my self and others who had lost hope that it was or may even be possible. A lot of girls only dream about having clear, glowing skin but the truth is makeup can only go so far in accomplishing that. It's what under the makeup that counts. The products you use to wash your face can truly make a lasting impression. Many people don't know this but your skin will actually absorb 65% of what you put on it "topically". That's huge! We like to think of our Skin Care line as "Skin Food" you wouldn't put just anything in your body would you? Not if your health conscious! So why would you put just anything on your skin?

How does being an addict of beauty products everywhere help you in your career of specialty ingredient research? 
Good question! I feel like it. It has helped me simply by the fact that as a Beauty Blogger, Makeup Artist, Cosmetics Developer and now Skin Care Developer, I am exposed to several different situations, skin types, skin conditions, not to mention my own skin conditions (adult acne) which has driven me to search for a team of top notch specialists which has in-turn lead me to the manufactures of of top notch quality ingredients form all over the world. At Skin Soap Junkie we have an extensive catalog of prototype formulas on file, we can design your beauty bar to the exact performance, scent and texture desired for optimal results.

If your anything like me then your very cautious about your skin and what you put on it! Soap has been around for a very, very long time (since 1916) and has really evolved through out the years. I personally have horrible skin. If the wind blows wrong I'm going to have a break out. So I began my search many years ago in an effort to create a line of skin care soaps to cure my break outs. Simply put, I was determined to create products that could be used by everyone from those with sensitive skin right down to those with tougher skin

Simply put, I was determined to create products that could be used by everyone from those with sensitive skin right down to those with tougher skin who need that extra "ump" in their products. This is not a one size fits all kind of world so why should our skin be any different?

Very quickly, days turned into months, and months turned into years and my continued obsession over specialty ingredient research and product development fueled a need not only for my self, but to also give my friends, family and fellow skin care junkies something large companies could not. "A Premier Product With Individuality."

To this day, we continue to use certified pure, sustainable, organic, cosmetics grade ingredients. And I'm very happy to say I have not had a severe break out in years!

How is so much awesomeness even possible? Being a small company with little to no over head affords me the ability to turn all of my profits back into Skin Soap Junkie and pass the savings on to my customers! Which is how it should be. We sell full size, fully packed 6 to 8oz bars. A little bit goes along way.

Ask yourself these questions: Are you tired of wasting your hard earned money? How many hundreds of dollars have you wasted on skin care products only to find out in the end they did not work? If your like me, then its been a lot. Do you have a skin care/soap graveyard on wasted products that did not live up to their name or claim to fame? If you answered yes to any of the above, then your in the right place!

I believe in honesty and integrity. The results we claim are the results you get. I'm a "proof is in the puddin" kinda gal. I've tested and used each of these products on myself, my friends and my family- who believe me are brutally honest. If our beauty bars were not good, or did not produce the results we claim, we wouldn't stand behind them 100% or even sell them at all.

From drafting product formulas, package design, and writing each and every customer a personal "thank you" note, I put my heart and soul into this business and am so very grateful that I have been given the opportunity to do what I love every single day.

Who are the celebrities in your product endorsements and which celebrity lines? 
On our cosmetics side we have worked with and created celebrity lines for Renee Baio (Baio Bliss Balms and Gloss) Alexa Ferr (pop sensation) who has her own cosmetics line "Alexa Couture" and Lauren Froderman (the winner from So you Think You Can Dance) who has her own line "Shimmer" and "Enchanted". We have Also worked with Judi Evans from Days Of Our Lives and Patrika Darbo from Days Of Our Lives, and we hope to expand and add more celebrity lines in the near future.

How is it like and how do you describe a day in the life as a celebrity MUA (makeup artist)? Which are the large events you have undertaken?
A day in the life of a MUA, well it's crazy fun and hectic all rolled into one. I have an awesome team that I work with and I can honestly say that I am truly blessed. We have done smaller events ranging from graduations, weddings, photo shoots, right up to bigger events such as 40th Day Time Emmys and TV Movie Guide Awards where we met and worked with some pretty amazing people. (The Robertson's-from Duck Dynasty) Bill Engvull (From Blue Collar Comedy)

Judi Evans, Patrika Darbo, Scott & Renee Baio, just to name a few.

In 5 years time, what kind of milestones do you want Skin Soap Junkie By TASH Cosmetics to reach? 
In 5 years time We hope to have taken over the industry making our wonderful products world wide. We want to be a household name known globally.

For our readers to find you and your products, where should they go first? For our Skin Care line they should go to www.SkinSoapJunkie.com

For our Makeup they should go to either TASHCosmetics.com or Our sister site www.2TCosmetics.com

and for our Beauty Blogs and bookings they should go to www.DiaryOfABeautyBlogger.com

AND as always we are all on all of the social media sites!

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