Sean Breed is a recording artist from Brooklyn, New York. We have conducted a short interview with him about his new album called H.I.T.L.E.R (HATE IS TAUGHT LOVE ENDS RACISM)

HITLER sounds really catchy with a twist of creativity too. How did you come up with it and which audience do you aspire this album to reach?
When i began recording the album a year ago the name just came to me out of nowhere. I had to figure out why so i called up my producer, BEAT'N DA ODDZ and we sat down to figure out why. Hate is Taught Love Ends Racism was the answer. I aspire this album to reach everyone. Anyone with ears or without.

How do you describe the kind of music in the H.I.T.L.E.R album?
I know it sounds cliche' but there is something for everyone on the H.I.T.L.E.R album. One thing i didn't do is "Dumb" anything down or fabricate a life that i'm not living or will live in the future. This album was made for me first and hopefully everyone else can relate to it on some level.

Name one of the track that you like most. And why did you choose this track?
All of the songs are like my kids, you love them all but you connect with them for different reasons. One of the songs i connect with is "TOPIC". It speaks about the lack of different topics that artist rarely explore. There are so many more aspects to life. Domestic Violence, Inflation,suicide, Racism, etc.......We need to have more courage.

Which genres influence your kind of music?
All Genres. That's why i say i'm an artist, not just a rap, pop, rock or jazz. I am music. I have a passion for good music in ALL genres.

During the production of this album, did you encounter any interesting or event/situation in particular? Why did you challenge the 'dare' aspects about music production?
When i came up with the title H.I.T.L.E.R and the acronym Hate Is Taught Love Ends Racism, i started second guessing if i should use that title then something crazy happened. A young black boy was killed with a Hoodie on, Arizona ice tea in one hand and skittles in the other. That's when i decided that the H.I.T.L.E.R title stays. I have to go but before i do i would like to say that i don't condone racism on any race, not just mine. Hate is a disease and a lot of people are infected. Get the H.I.T.L.E.R album and get a dose of penicillin. The RevoluSean has begun.

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