Seventh Journey

Robert J.R. Graham is the author of a book series called "Seventh Journey". We have conducted a short interview with him:


Why did you create a book trailer for your book series called "Seventh Journey?"

The trailer was created to show some key scenes from the first book, and allude to some overall themes for the series. Part of the work was also to help show that this series could easily translate to some great on-screen action, but the primary reason was to help people understand what they'll be getting into with the "Seventh Journey" series.

There are a lot of action packed action scenes in your trailer, do you or the actors have a martial arts background?

Yes, the combative elements were choreographed by professional martial arts instructors. As my own background is in the martial arts as well, I've added elements of this to my story and the trailer reflects this. Part of the abilities gained by the main characters are combative skills, through use of the "Auditum Technology" and they must use them from time to time.

Were there any challenges making the book trailer?

Yes, there were several actually. What you saw took many hours of videography, production time, and sychronization Also, working closely with other creative people can sometimes be a challenge, especially as the collaborative visions are formed. Additionally, the planned special effects for the first book trailer never got off the ground unfortunately. There were some amazing special effects planned for the action scenes, but due to resource commitment issues, they never made it in.

The first trailer was a tremendous learning opportunity for me, and given a second chance I would have approached it differently. Upon the launch of Book 2, I will most likely be putting together an additional trailer, which will largely continue from the first one, but using different resources and production arrangements.

Was there a special reason you called it "Seventh Journey?" Why the number seven?

This is one of the most common questions I get, and part of the problem is that the answer lies within the story for those who are willing to read into it. As this is book 1 in the series, I can't give away the primary reason for calling it "Seventh Journey" just yet, but you will understand as you read through the book. What I can tell you is that the main character is part of a larger plan, of which he only begining to realize.

Did you experience writers block with Book 1 or your current project, Book 2?

Writers block is not really my problem, it's more time management. As I'm very active with Charities, Martial Arts, Public Speaking, Book signings, and Business Consulting, my target to get Book 2 completed by end of year was rather ambitious. As I write this, I'm approximately 70% through the first draft of Book 2, and with completion targeted by end of summer.

Where can we find out more about you and your work?

Thanks very much for the interview. You can grab a copy of Seventh Journey Book 1 at Also, look out for Book 2 in December through my publisher AuthorHouse, a subsidiary of Penguin Books.

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