Interview with Daniel Bostic

Daniel Bostic is a young actor from Charleston, South Carolina. His interest in acting grew when he was cast last-minute as a featured-extra in Lifetime's TV show "Army Wifes" in a scene alongside Emmy Award Winner - Catherine Bell. We have conducted a short interview with him.


How was your first experience as a cast working with an Emmy Award Winner like Catherine Bell like? Were there new inspirations from this first experience?

Catherine Bell was an inspiration for me, and, to this very day I credit her for sparking my interest in acting.

My first experience on a major television show was nerve-wracking, even as an extra and despite 3 years of drama training. I had always done theatre and so my jump into film was definitely baptism by fire. The director was yelling at the extras (I don’t fault them for it, everyone does!) and I was so confused and had no earthly idea as to what was going on. That was the moment when Catherine showed up! She was in my scene and she was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt and as a matter of fact, I didn’t even recognize her. However, she went out of her way to be extremely nice to me; all day between takes we chatted about life, life on set, and our families. Being instantly put at ease by someone who would’ve had every reason to snob but instead chose to be so friendly to me was so comforting and made me instantly fall in love with the industry and the people in it.

How does drama training helps in carving a better actor out of you?

Drama class taught me the basics of acting and got me comfortable speaking in front of people. Before, when I would have to get on stage, I would begin shaking and having small panic attacks! Gradually though, thanks to an awesome and caring teacher, I learned to just relax and not try and put on a front. I came to the realization that I would mess up, that wasn’t up for question. Once I acknowledged that, I realized that I should spend my efforts on improving my performance instead of worrying. Slowly but surely I become completely comfortable on stage and eventually camera. Sure, I still get nervous but it’s more of an excited nervousness than a sickening one. 

Which is your latest project? When can fans expect to see this production?

I just wrapped a book trailer for a Harper Collins book by author Debra Driza which is entitled “MILA 2.0”. I’m expecting it to hit the net and airwaves soon. I’m also really excited to see “Secrets in the Fall”, which is my last major project, hit stores nationwide this fall! Right now though, film season is just getting back into full swing and I have several auditions lined up as well as a photo shoot or two. Even when I’m really not busy it still feels like I am!

So you have acted in "Gone for the Day", tell us more about it. Also, which was your favorite character?

“Gone for the Day” was a quirky indie short film that I starred in alongside my beautiful costar Catherine Allen. It is really designed as a lighthearted look at a young man who has a crush on a young lady he meets. They spend the day together just focusing on having crazy fun and forgetting the past. We had a premier in a coffee shop to a crowd of 100. It was my first premier and autograph signing and I still smile when I think about how exciting it was for me.

As a matter of fact, my favorite character was Treavor from “Gone for the Day”. I was really amazed by the fact that he was an incredibly complex and multidimensional character. He was quirky yet confident in his quirkiness, but he also had some underlying insecurity. Having played his character, I felt like being a different person in every line, but I did my best to blend them into one and the result was… well go on and see the film and then, drop by and tell me what you thought of. :)

How do you feel when you see yourself on the screen?

Honestly, I hate it. You know that feeling you sometimes have when you hear yourself on the phone? Or see yourself in a home video? Yeah that’s how I feel. I instantly criticize every small move and facial expression I make. I’ve tried to sit back and enjoy but that never worked for me. I tend to try and take notes as to things I feel should be improved, and that makes me at least feel like I’m being productive.

More info about Daniel:

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